Crug Crimsonblade

I am Crug Crimsonblade. Blood Elf demon hunter of the Horde, and proud defender of Quel Thalas!


Where do I go to get my “CRUG IS #1” button? I would also like a bumper sticker, though I don’t have a car. I’ll just hang it on my wall. :grin:

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No offense, but we will have to request you leave the Horde since you are aren’t defending Orgrimmar.

Thanks for your service.


GD will probably get you fixed. :slight_smile:

I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.


Orc warriors are something to be feared. I have a lot of respect for any orc especially one that went through what yours did. Even though you are an enemy of the Alliance I appreciated your passion. With that being said, Blood Elves don’t fit that criteria​:neutral_face::pray:


slips you a bag of Blood thistle and continues to sneak in the front door of Qul’thalas in camou…


That instance portal and lack of flying are defense enough. Nobody’s gonna bother with Quel’thalas. You can take a break.


Oh no, what happened to Crug the orc?! :eyes:




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I dont know if there was one… but yeah, “Crug” is an Orc name and does not fit a Defender of Quelthanlost one bit.


Crug is a very primitive name for a blood elf.

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And a fine job you’re doing.

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Oh, Crug used to be an Orc and posted a lot of orc-related things on the forums. So it’s just strange to see a blood elf in his place - I definitely agree, though, it’s a pretty brute name for an elfling lol

Edit: in fact, here is a not-so-small piece on Crug the Orc that he wrote himself- now known as Crug… uh the elf lol


Very cool. Share some more of your story.


Hi Crug!


Like all Demon Hunter training, it began with Crug slaying a demon, and eating its heart. The fel power infused into Crugs body after ingesting the demon’s heart and blood, caused him to mutate, gaining demonic features such as horns. The spirit of the ingested demon bonded with Crug and from this bond he received visions of the Burning Legion destroying countless worlds across the universe. In horror at the sight, Crug tore his own eyes out, which put him into a coma.
The intiation of becoming a Demon Hunter was a traumatic experince for Crug, he took it partiularly harder than others did…When Crug awoke from his coma he did not have memories of who he was before his intiation… Crug had to be informed by his colluges of the little personal information that he had divulged to them. Such as his name, where he was from, and his motivations that caused him to get to this point. Everything else that he knew about himself was lost…
Crugs spectral sight began to take effect, and he was given tattoos which keeps his inner demon from overwhelming him, but it is still always there, talking to him and trying to get him to turn to the Legion. The demon that Crug consumed has not revealed his identity to him, but Crug believes him to be a random foot solider of the legion.
From the day Crug awoke from his coma he pledged his loyalty to Illidan because Crug sensed that following Illidan’s path was the fastet way to the Legions downfall. Crugs training was overseen by Varedis Felsoul, Alandien, Netharel, and Theras.
After years of training, Varedis Felsoul, impressed with Crugs skills and abilities, transferred Crug to Illidans personal elite demon hunters led by Kayn Sunflury. One day Illidan sent his elite demon hunters through a portal to the Legion world of Mardum prior to his defeat within the Black Temple. The elite demon hunters progressed through Mardum, and when they returned to Outland, they, along with Crug were captured by the Wardens and imprisoned within the Vault of the Wardens. Crug and the rest of the elite demon hunters were awoken by their desperate jailers during the Legion’s third invasion.
Shortly after Crug was awoken by the jailers at the Vault of the Wardens, he and the other demon hunters found themselves without a leader, as Illidan’s soul was trapped inside his lifless body, and taken by guldan at the time. Remembering that their true purpose was to defeat the legion at all costs, the demon hunters split themselves by race to join the Alliance or Horde in order to defeat the Legion. After Crug and the rest of the Blood Elves proved themselves to warchief Sylvanas, they were formally accepted into the Horde.
The Legion was eventually defeated, and with Sargares being jailed by Illidan, Crug feels that he fulfilled his purpose, and that he is in debt to the Horde for their help in defeating the Legion. Crug decided that as long as the blood elves remain in the Horde, so will Crug. Crug now tries to rejoin Blood Elven Society as best he could.

BFA: Crug served in the 4th war. It is during this time that he develops a severe hatred for the Alliance. This is because of the Alliances recruitment of the void elves. Although Crug does not personally gain power or benefit from the sunwell, he recognizes that most of his people do, and with the threat that the voids magic poses to the sunwell, Crug will do everything in his power to protect Quel Thelas, and the sunwell from the alliance, and therefore the void elves. Crug eventually joined Varrok Saurfangs Rebellion. Which led to the establishment of a Horde Council represented by the faction leaders. Crug likes that the power of warchief is split up, and respects all members of the council…


Because Crug Crimsonblade sounds smoother than Crug Spikeyclub.


Wow Crug, you did a really great job with your character’s story. That’s terrific.