Crug has returned

I am CRUG! Orc warrior of the Horde!

Crug was born in the year 18 to his parents inside Durnholde Keep, an internment camp. Both of Crugs parents died shortly after his birth. Later that year Thrall liberated the Orcs from Durnholde, and escaped with them to Kalimdor. It was later in the year 21 when the Orcs settled into Orgrimmar, and at that time, Crug was only 3 years old.

Since Crug had no family, he was placed in the Orgrimmar Orphanage and raised by Orphan Matron Battlewail and Tosamina. Crug looked up to Thrall because he liberated his people from the internment camps, and because of his leadership as warchief of the Horde. Crug always admired how Thrall could see the strength of other races. Growing up in Orgrimmar had been a positive experience for Crug because over the years he had observed many great warriors of the Horde, and while many of them were orcs like himself, there were also Tauren and Trolls that he admired.

Crug turned 6 years old in the year 24. Crug began weapons training at this age, and it became clear that Crug would follow the path of a Protection Warrior. Protection warriors are stout, dauntless defenders. Using a sturdy shield both to soak up foes’ attacks and to dish out damage of their own, Protection warriors can take an immense amount of damage, able to withstand the most powerful of blows. Taunting and demoralizing their enemies with a range of shouts and devastating attacks, Protection warriors are formidable tanks, leading their allies to victory against the mightiest of adversaries. Six years later in the year 30, Crug had finally completed his warrior training, and was ready for his Om’riggor. An Om’riggor is a rite of passage in orcish society. Om’riggor is practiced amongst all orc clans, and both male and female orcs enter adulthood through om’riggor.The rite of om’riggor becomes available no earlier than age 12. Initiates are permitted only to bring a single weapon with no armor or provisions. If the initiate is successful in the solo kill, he/she will paint the blood of the prey upon his/her face as proof. Upon the initiate’s return a clan shaman will taste the blood, and if deemed genuine, the initiate will be inducted into adulthood through a formal ceremony.

Armed with an axe, and wearing nothing but a single piece of loin cloth covering his privates, Crug set off into the desert of Durotar to earn his solo kill. After many days, and nights of living off the harsh desert lands, Crug found a beast worthy enough to test if he was truly ready to fight for the Horde. A Bloodtalon Tailslasher had locked eyes with Crug from across the valley….seconds after their eyes met, the Tailslasher starting charging at Crug. Crug let out a loud battle cry, and charged in the Tailslashers direction. Suddenly Crug leaped forward in the air, with his axe raised above head, he came crashing down on the Tailslasher, his axe impaled in its skull… Blood was squirting out of the Tailslashers head, pouring out onto Crugs face. Crug paused, and released his solo kill, letting the blood of the Tailslasher completely cover his face. Crug cut the Tailslasher up, and ate just enough of the body to give him the strength to journey back to Orgrimmar.

Upon Crugs return to Orgrimmar a shaman tasted the blood upon Crugs face, and deemed him ready to fight for the Horde, shortly thereafter Crug was shipped to Pandaria to aid the Horde forces.

While in Pandaria, Crug learned more of the bombing of Theramore, which was happening while he was out on his Om’riggor. Crug saw the bombing as dishonorable and cowardly. Crug believed that honor should not be abandoned no matter how dire a battle, had gone. As the campagine in Pandaria raged on, Crug observed Garrosh’s mistreatment of the other races within the Horde, and lost even more respect for Garrosh. Crug would eventually join the dark spear rebellion and help overthrow Garrosh as Warchief.

In the year 31 Crug served in the War in Draenor.

In the year 32 Crug served in the war against the Legion during their third invasion. Crug serves cautiously under the new warchief Sylvanas, as he finds her use of the plague dishonorable.

In the year 33 Crug served in the fourth war while disapproving of his warchief Sylvanas for her dishonorable tactics in war, specifically during the Battle for Lorderon, this along with many other misdeeds by the warchief caused Crug to join Varrok Saurfangs Rebellion

also in the year 33 Crug created his own Clan named after himself, it is a clan that accepts all members of the Horde, and is made up of soldiers who have become friends over the years of fighting for the Horde.


Cheers for crug
Thank the elements, and the ancestors! Finally A orc I can follow into battle! Perhaps it’s time I dust off my old battle axe.

I maybe a old orc that was maimed by the alliance, but I can still fight. The Alliance will pay for what they have done.

You have my axe!

I will come to fight along your side.

You have my sword!

Welcome back man!

You have my bow!

You have his sword, and my pretty influence. I will stand in the background, though. I consider myself more of a… strategy type.

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You have my hugs!

Welcome back, Crug. May you and your clan earn glory and bring honor to the Horde.

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The POWER of CRUG. roars

Welcome back Crug!

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Thaladrad! I’m coming for you Thaladrad. Hide behind the walls of Silvermoon for as long as you wish. They will offer you no respite from fate. I will hang your corpse from its gates.

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You foul disgraceful arrogant peasant! YOU DARE DEFY ME!? Hide behind Silvermoon’s walls? HA! My next attack on Stormwind I will come straight for you! Your skull shall make a fine trophy! It will a even finer example of what happens when presumptuous Alliance fools openly defy me!

I know many Death Knights feel nothing. But I will find something that hurts!

My most insulting regards!

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If he has your sword, how are you going to fight alongside him?

What kind of orc lets someone take their axe?

You can feign confidence to this crowd all you want Thaladrad. Pity. Just as arrogant as I remember from a time now long past. You still owe a debt from that time. Your sins have caught up with you and I have been sent to consume. The Light won’t be able to shield you from me Paladin. Nor will any army of Sin’Dorei. In fact bring an army. One at a time or all in a rush. I don’t give a damn. Nothing can save you.

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Victory for Crug.

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Ravennhul becomes enraged

You foul, arrogant, degenerate, peasant! Do you have any idea who you are talking to!? Calms himself

I am Ravenhul Thaladrad you defiant Alliance abomination! Every action I take is in the name of the holy light! I will find you, Death Knight. I shall cleanse Azeroth of your foul existence! Even those who mention you, suffer suffer! Make peace with the light, or what ever powers that be.

I am gnome!