Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

a violation of the law is a violation of the law. and he didn’t say “identifed criminals”

its not unhealthy.


How is driving players away from people not unhealthy.

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thats not the line i quoted though.

who drove away? queue times now are faster than they have ever been.

No, they aren’t hahah they are better with the start of a new expansion sure but in dragonflight no. Plus games are starting with most of the team gone because you guys queue dodge.

Yes, it is. I quoted it from your quote.

BfA had the longest queue times, SL despite being a dumpster fire had lower queue times than BfA, DF had lower queue times than SL, and yeah its fresh expac so we will see a decline, but im willing to bet that TWW queue times will be even lower on average than DF.

so idk where you are getting this idea that people are leaving in droves

that could be fixed with raid queueing.

They’re aware of the damage to the PvP community:

Of course, their tune changed after they started running with premade raids.

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From years of experience.

Like honestly are you just trolling?

They have that it’s called Rated Battlegrounds.

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You can’t farm for the sockets right now because they don’t exist. The season hasn’t started.

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where is it?

if you think rated battlegrounds is a substitute for premade epics you have never played either. but also where is rated epics?

Where is what?

Not what I said. Random bg’s are meant for large, coordinated groups that’s what RBG’s are for. Rated epics would never work. If you guys had to fight fair combat you would disappear.

your years of experience

oh, good to know. so what exactly are premades doing wrong then?

On this and my old account I no longer have.

Clearly a typo. Meant to put aren’t. As blizzard has stated.

your girlfriend went to another school too?

since i have already played the you can’t find that post game, lets play another, how do you know that era didn’t end when the “Shut up PVP Guy” dev left blizzard?

I dont know why queue syncers think they would intentionally queue to fight raid groups if they could, because they can already do it in RBGs and somehow live in non-rated game modes.

Queue times were 15min for dps on my realm to fight Vs queue synced oceanic Horde communites before TWW, now in TWW its only 3-5min, yay? Progress? No not progress, new expantion dropped so people are trying to play.

I’m not running for office or anything, but just to set your wild accusation straight, no, not all criminals deserve to die. But never fear, I don’t write law or pass sentencing. It was an extreme statement with a goal, to make a point.

Dead covicted criminals commit less crime in the future than living ones.

IP address Account banned and deleted cheaters who now don’t have access to Blizzard games cheat less on Blizzard games than cheaters who are not punished. That was the point.

If someone like you says things like “everyone breaks the law” ok, maybe, but not everyone takes a large portion of thousands of peoples subscription and box price game time and robs them of a fighting chance without themselves joining a queue syncing community to perpetuate the cycle. Its theft of game time. I’m not inclined or required to be pleased by it.

that same queue was 3 hours in bfa.

you should watch the movie Minority Report.

this assumes you would have won if it hadn’t been for the premades. that’s entitlement.

You make some good points there.
There is the honor level but honestly that’s not very well represented in-game (I can’t find anywhere in-game to view the rewards beyond whatever the very next reward is) and that’s not a seasonal thing anyway.
It’s also boringly slow. Like I think I do a fair amount of battlegrounds and I’m not even honor level 100 yet. Yet I can play say, seasonal diablo 4 or OW2 content and finish those battle passes just fine.

So yeah, having seasonal rewards that are given from playing PvP would help.
I would love some more mounts and transmogs, pets, titles, etc from doing PvP each season beyond just collecting conquest for gear upgrades.

It is never okay to say this about someone simply because they disagree with you. It is considered harassment.

I’ve won Vs queue syncs too, I’m entitled to every win I earn. What we all should feel entitled to is a game developer doing something about cheaters. And I saw minority report, their pre crime division has issues, but crime was low. I never recommend punishing players for games they might cheat in some day in the future. If Blizzard wanted to they can catch cheaters that are cheating or who cheated in the past. We dont sentence murderers because we caught them in the future, we caught them in the past, what they did still matters in the future,
and should be prevented in the future.

Often “absolute” statements are untrue and saying things that are untrue is not helpful unless you learn what is true. Successful Queue Sync attempts does not ensure a win, but if it hurt your odds people wouldn’t do it. It does help your odds so it is an advantage. It is seen (opinion) as an unfair advantage because many players find queue syncing to be immoral so they dont do it, while not cheating handicaps them since other people do cheat. Non-cheaters can and sometime do win Vs cheaters, that does not mean cheating is not cheating.