Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

No, they did not.

Name 5 of them.

you are voluntarily subjecting your digital character to fake mortal combat and then getting emotionally upset when you lose.

no actual harm to you is done here.



I chose to live where my laws are nearly Constitutional, quite close to being Constitutional and the alternative is death as there is nowhere to be that is more Constitutional. I hope that answers your question. If it does not, I did work hard with an Organization that successfully got Permitted Open Carry of handguns, then Campus Carry, then Constitutional Carry of Handguns. It took years but all our demands were eventually met by getting the laws changed to reflect our ideals. During the same period we worked towards those goals, all bladed weapons restrictions were removed. You can now go anywhere you choose in public with a battle axe or broad sword if you wish.

Nobody is upset about losing expect you lol that’s why you exploit to win.

Frist off this guy isn’t blizzard. Second, he says he doesn’t CONSIDER it cheating. So, no blizzard has never stated what you are doing isn’t exploiting in fact that have very openly said they don’t like it and don’t want people doing it in an actual blue post from blizzard in blizzards official blue posts not some blue post from a community manager.

that didn’t answer my question. history shows that its more than possible for institutions of government and power to be corrupted and its power turned against its people maliciously. hypothetically speaking, if you were in that situation, would you willingly choose to defy authority and break laws?

How does this apply to World of Warcaft? Those of us against what you and your ilk are doing simply want a fun and fair game for everyone. You are against that because you can’t win in fair combat.

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I choose to fight in a game with a group communicating via pings and a chat box and maybe one person I know on discord with me.

Who I fight and what they do for an advantage is not decided by me, but can negativity affect my teams honor and conquest acquisition. If you feel you need 10 of 10 of your teammates on coms for a RBG, good, cool, I do too, but random Bgs are not ment to be 100% guild or community members calling targets on coms Vs people gearing who dont even speak to one another. Games like that tend to be very one sided and it turns solo and new players away from the game mode and maybe pvp altogether.


is someone’s first BG supposed to be a hook experience? ie, should they win and maybe even get MVP?

Who are, rightly or wrongly, in their own bracket and are unlikely to see any premades.

I live where my morals dont require me to break laws to live a moral life. Id like to get back to playing Solo BG on season launch so I can avoid the Queue Syncers altogether.

you are still avoiding the question. i take it you answer the trolly problem by avoiding it too.

Someone is “new” far past honor level 100. Honor level is a participation trophy. Not a great one but it is ok. Saying someone knows whats going on at 100 HL is assuming a lot.

You didn’t answer my question either.

yeah i am, they are connected.

What? Did you have a stroke or something?
Oh god here we go lol

let me explain, Deckarcain thinks all criminals should be executed, but the problem is that everyone is a criminal, most respond to this thinking “i don’t violate any laws, im a good person” but inherently if you blindly follow laws, that morally makes you a bad person as laws are often corrupted against people. therefore the only way one can truly be moral and ethical is to pick and choose which laws to follow based on what harm they actually cause in reality vs what kind of emotions people feel about them. what this means is that by saying " all criminals should be condemned to death" Deckarcain has effectively condemned everyone but is in denial about himself.

I didn’t see him say this but ok lol

Not true at all.

That’s up for interpretation.

Anyways none of this applies to WoW. Not exploiting isn’t a moral thing. You are ruining the game for people playing fair and you are trying to claim that it’s the people not exploiting that are in the wrong. The delusion is nuts honestly.

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i quoted it, scroll up.

yep, it could be something as simple as your car has factory clear taillights or the reflectors don’t meet DOT regulation. talk to a cop, they will tell you that if they want to find something they will, and not without having to plant anything just because there are so many small laws and regulations that exist that people don’t even know they are violating several at any given time.

no it isn’t. one must actively decide morality and ethics on the fly all the time, if you fall back to a set of written or cultural rules about what is and is not moral, you will end up causing more harm. therefore the stance of “i do not break the rules therefore i am a good person” is objectively wrong.

He says identified criminal and I will assume he means convicted ones.

That’s not the same whatsoever.

That doesn’t mean they are correct hence why it’s up for interpretation.
Anyways again this has nothing to do with World of Warcaft so it’s a moot point. What you are doing is unhealth for the game and people want it fixed.

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