Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

They do.

Blizzard can do anything they like.

Good that synchronized queuing isn’t cheating then, isn’t it?

I think is cheating, is malicious, is effective at being malicious as there are players suffering because of queue syncing. If Blizzard does or doesnt define it as cheating is of no consequence. What they do about it is what matters. For now, doing nothing about makes it appear Blizzard thinks it is kosher. Players are asking for them to do something.

There was a time that women couldnt vote in our country and it is still the case in some countries. Is/was it fair for women prohibited from voting because thats how it was or is? Should we ask for things to change when inaction provides predators a way to victimize others? If I see injustice Ill call it out, and you’re welcome to say "well the powers that be like it this way’.

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What you think doesn’t matter.

The only opinion which matters is Blizzards.

Otherwise I can just deem all Rogues using Stealth, as cheaters. Or anyone who uses chat, as cheaters.

Neither of which are useful descriptions.

You argument has no merit, but ill entertain it. Ok, say joebobrandomplayer92 thinks stealth is cheating. Has stealth been part of wow for seveal specs and even offered to everyone as a buff, potion, or shroud of concealment effect to give teammates for many years, which was decided by Blizzard? Yes. So stealth is a founding feature of World of Warcraft. Thus stealth was intentionally put in the game, and not cheating.

Manipulations done to circumvent the maximum size group of players joining a BG or EBG probably was not a founding feature of World of Warcraft, they added a party size limit, I would surmise, for a purpose. Then…ignored players requests for attention to the exploit for 2 decades. Ignoring a problem is a bit different than supporting it, but not that different. Why you and I discuss this weekly infront of anyone who will read it is Blizzard still hasnt fixed what many of us see as a problem.

You seem to support queue syncing, noted. Blizzard seems to support queue syncing, thats been noted for years. Niether of those facts convinced me that the practice is moral and should be allowed to continue.

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Also not an exploit…


I’m sorry to break it to you, but there is no such thing as objective morality.

Each person has their own subjective measure of what is moral.

You don’t get to use the term to force me to adhere your morals.

I sure dont assume the totalitarian roll to tell you what to do, or what you should do. Im not your mom, employer, government representative, but I am Blizzards customer. If I air a grievance to Blizzard, does that hurt you?

I havent asked any individual to fix Blizzards policy, I asked a corporation, and to be honest I dont even expect a needed change to come. If I could force people to adhere to my morals I wouldn’t waste that gift on griefing players.

Man you throw this 2007 and 2012 quotes from Blizzard from Employees who don’t even work there anymore like it is a cemented rule that Blizzard allows it.

In truth Blizz changed the ability to queue as a raid into a BG to stop raids smashing pugs who are just casually playing. You and your ilk are circumventing that, simple exploitation.

They have not recently posted about that circumvention recently at all. They are actively ignoring it.

In SoD you could queue as a raid/premade BGs. What happened ? People complained massively about premades just decimating all BGs and camping. Blizz changed it so raids would face each other and no longer be put up against pugs.

Its clear Blizz would rather premades face other premades and let the pugs fight amongst themselves.

You and your ilk are circumventing that. What reasons ? Maybe you love being in a 20 man group chat talking smack and pvpn, maybe you love stomping pugs and this way you get the dopamine hits of thinking your a 2400 rated player and awesome at the game.

Reality is, you circumvent restrictions. If Blizz comes out and says okay sure you can queue as a raid to join normal Random / Epics (heck I would probably join ya) but they dont. They dont support, they are ignoring it.

No, not at all.

But your language is important in your message.

It is not currently cheating or exploiting. Blizzard does not consider it as such.

You have to convince Blizzard to change their mind on that, rather than assert that they are wrong.

The quote from Vrakthris is from 2019, not 2012, and they still mod for this forum.

Do you know when that happened? 2010.

So between 2010 and 2019 the rules never changed. It is not cheating.

And I have a suspicion that their radio silence so far has been because they’re working on the next logical step, cross faction games.

Almost everything else is cross faction, guilds, communities, raids and rated content.

It is only reasonable that cross faction queues are coming, especially since, in the lore, we have a signed armistice between the factions.

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If you say borrowing money but I say stealing because who you stole from didnt consent…
Blizzards customers you may on occasion steal wins from didnt consent to giving a queue sync team their time and chance at game currency, but you took it. The cops and politicians (Blizzard) turned a blind eye, you didnt steal from them so why would they care. This makes you feel theft is ok, no one is punishing you for it so you suppose I might as well put theft on the schedule. I’ll go raid BGs 3 nights a week with the bros and have some laughs. No consequences,and worse no remorse. Your lifetime banned from my eyes seeing your posts, not because you’re lying, some of what you say is quite true. I cant make you abide by my moral compass, you’re so right about everything that doesnt make wow better. GG congrats, see you on the battlefield Hirav.

Theft is not allowed, under the rules we all agree to.

If queue synchronization is allowed, under the rules, then players consent by clicking the queue button.

Players queue for PvP. PvP happened.

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Just go ahead and group up with 20 players and see if that Join Random Epic Battleground is available to you ? I’ll wait. Get back to me with your answer.

Oh I hope they are. It would break you guys apart, the communities you desperately cling to for “friends” and “because its an mmorpg” will slowly fester away as you can no longer pick on pugs as much and will be facing each other.

Your invective language is unnecessary.

I am on record suggesting that cross faction should be enabled for all queued content.

It’s not really an insult is it. I didn’t call you bad, a bad player, below average, average, delusional, toxic or a bully.

I stated that the community you cling to will fester away when Sync Communities are made to face each other. Sure you may for a couple of games continue the game and “have fun facing each other” but that will run dry as pointed out in other threads good players will group together and they will be the dominant group in the BGs.

I give you respect for the following however :

I was not expecting that coming from you.

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He only says that because he knows he can exploit it.

Was your vacation enjoyable?

It’s funny you even need to abuse the report system when you have been exposed. It must be nice to be catered to.

You clearly don’t know how the report system works.

And it’s clear that you haven’t taken your vacation seriously enough.

Of course, you ignore the fact that you did the same thing I did but didn’t get in a "vacation " as well. Facts over feelings bud

I understand the limits of what I can say on the forums. No need to be salty about it.

Look at it as a learning experience.