Cross server bgs will kill the PvP community

agree with OP. Xrealm BGs = LFG. we should never have 1 and done interactions with people from another server.


Exactly. CRBGs are the pvp equivalent of LFR in pve.


Wasn’t that still the 6 month cd one though? BC into Wrath was when I recall seeing servers get really bad.

i won’t comment too much on CRBGs outside of the usual, what happens when populations die due to whatever factor?, there is no magic solution or else they would have stumbled across it before, though it could be when the realms die now, they won’t ever possibly flow back up so merges would seem to solve that issue.

Server transfers had a CD when originally added, as for the CD I don’t remember.

Regardless of this, the point of the problem being faction stacking; only made worse because of CRBG’s giving the player an illusion of fast Q’s in their early days.

close enough. if it had a 1.12 version its what we are getting.


That’s wrong. It also doesn’t make sense.

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I somehow doubt you played during vanilla. When cross realm BG actually came out it was amazing. It took 25+ min queue times and somewhat managed them again. Yes world pvp was affected, but most world pvp was just mass amounts of ganking untill max level toons started duking it out.

The difference there is CRBGs were in 1.12. So they will be in classic.

For the record, I’m with you. I think they were the first step down the path that killed server community in WoW. I also remember them taking the honor grind to 11 and freezing out everyone who wasn’t playing ball with the group of people rigging the honor system that was present on every server. (Instant queues plus coordinated groups dodging other coordinated groups meant near infinite honor needed to gain ranks) However, it was in classic, so it’s in classic.


Thing was it also was not in classic… For the majority of it.

It will make the honor grind absolutely disgusting though. I doubt I’ll make rank 8

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Can I ensure that my buddy is able to cancel blood rage and drop combat just like 1.12.0?

I mean that’s true pure 1.12.0 just like you’re claiming.

Should all the other bugs, problems and changes made in 1.12.1 that improved the classes, items and raids be excluded for your literalist ideas?

However the changes to classes, items and dungeons are indeed slated for Classic WoW actual but the Mount changes are not.

Why is that? Because it’s a bad change that was contrary to the spirit of Vanilla WoW just like CRBG’s were a bad change contrary to the spirit of Vanilla WoW.

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.12.1 Edit

General Edit

  • The riding skill has been changed. A riding skill of 75 is now needed to ride level 40 mounts and a skill of 150 for level 60 mounts. Those that already have mounts will automatically be granted the appropriate level skill.

World PvP Edit

  • Players will no longer lose the Silithus or Eastern Plaguelands PvP buffs after dying in the zone.
  • Players will now port to the Crown Guard Tower graveyard if they die in Fungal Vale while their faction controls the tower.
  • Players will no longer be interrupted while sitting down in Eastern Plaguelands when contested towers change ownership.
  • Players will no longer be interrupted while sitting down in Silithus when a side collects 200 Silithyst and wins the event.
  • In the Silithus World PVP event, the dust cloud graphic that appears on a flag carrier will now properly trail behind the character while running.
  • Players will no longer receive honor if a tower in Eastern Plaguelands is captured while they are stealthed.
  • Lordaeron’s Blessing buff from Eastern Plaguelands is no longer dispellable.
  • Players on Windows machines will now hear the victory music when their faction fully captures a tower in the Eastern Plaguelands.

Warlocks Edit

  • Players that log out of the game and back while having a pet summoned will now be properly credited a Soul Shard.
  • Warlock pet sounds have now been added in all languages.

Warriors Edit

  • Canceling Bloodrage while in PvP or dueling will no longer remove you from combat.

Items Edit

  • Most enchantments on items are no longer counted against the maximum limit of effects a player can have on them, so it should be much harder for a player to exceed their max limit on effects and have one be removed involuntarily.
  • Fixed a graphical error with the Dreadnaught Helmet.
  • Fixed an issue in which the “Blessing of the Claw” from the 6 piece Dreamwalker set was causing players to stand up after trying to eat or drink.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple armor set bonuses were not applying correctly when switching out pieces.
  • Fixed an issue where the four-piece Plagueheart set was not properly applying to corruption.
  • The Blade of Eternal Darkness will now only proc when damage is done.
  • Fixed a graphical error with the Dreadmist mask in which it would float above the Tauren Females’ head.
  • Fixed a graphical error in which enchantment glows were not updating if the same item with a different enchant or no enchant was equipped.

User Interface Edit

  • UI windows will now be positioned correctly if the right action bar is activated.
  • When going from Windowed mode to Full-Screen mode, player names will no longer be replaced with “…”
  • The Quest Tracker will now properly display purchased quest items.
  • The Battle Map in Outdoor PvP and in the Battlegrounds will no longer get stuck when dragging with the cursor in windowed mode.
  • The Battle Map in Alterac Valley will no longer switch off whenever a graveyard, tower, or mine changes ownership.

Bugs Edit

  • Players will now be able to complete the quest,“Target: Hive’Ashi Sandstalkers”.
  • Fixed an issue where players could be afflicted by “Withering Touch” more than once at a time.
  • The Plaguewood teleporter will now teleport players to the correct location within Naxxramas.
  • Fixed an issue where players were getting the message “Invalid” when trying to select flight paths.
  • Fixed an issue where if the disenchant window was forced closed, a player would lose both their reagent and the item they were disenchanting.
  • Fixed an issue where players could crash while fighting Anub’Rekhan.
  • Fixed an issue in which players trying to disenchant an item with a full inventory and then casting a spell afterward would lose the reagent and the item.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon procs will now work with instant abilities.
  • Pet buffs will now apply and remove properly.
  • The Priest talent Spirit Tap will no longer sometimes proc off of totems.

Mac Edit

  • Players will no longer hear any sound when they have “Enable all Sound” turned off.

This made me laugh, not gonna lie.

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I never had 25 minute que times though, unless it was 3am or something weird

What are you talking about?

  1. I didn’t say anything about LFR, Or anything about the current game, This topic is about classic, not about retail… So I’m speaking from a Classic point of view, the good old " Nax" killed guilds… topic players gave up due to BC coming in 3 months …

  2. I’m talking about the Community " WE " this post… is about the “Community” and how CRBG " kills the pvp community"

  3. I’m not Projecting? I had a job i had to keep? and couldn’t keep taking time off to play? lol Not one part of my post is me crying about not getting GM. I did what i could and I’m happy for it.

  4. I have everything right, you and the rest are crying about CRBG killing the pvp community… and y’all are wrong… the players kill it… not part of the game

So the point of my post is " players kill the community"…
Community = a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
If you say CRBG kills the pvp community then you are the wrong… Players kill the Community.

Reported for flagrant overuse and misuse of elipses.

. . .


Instant Queue BG’s whining won out sorry.

Cross realm bgs makes dodging harder and faster queues are better for everyone.

Not at the sacrifice of recognizing your server enemies in BGs.
Not if you value accountability.
Not if you dislike AFKing honor sponges.
Not if you dislike the “hurry up and lose” mentality.


It makes dodging easier because there’s so many more solo queues and queuing for a different BG instant.

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With all the things wrong with Classic its going to be a miracle if anybody survives up to the launch. /s

it wasnt a bad change though, it was a really good change

same server bgs were pretty terrible on most realms. its funny how you just focused on a bunch of stuff that doesnt matter to prove my offhand comment wrong. solid use of your time there