Cross server bgs will kill the PvP community

Vanilla WoW is all about the community.

As someone who played during REAL vanilla, I immediately noticed the effect cross-server had on people at the end of vanilla. Suddenly everyone was another faceless x class and you had no rivalries nor did you get happy seeing your good PvPers on your team.

Seeing these same people in towns and out in the world afterwards also made the game feel morel ike a world and a MMORPG. With cross-server, you no longer see the same people everywhere in the game. It turns it more into a lobby diablo game and less of a MMO.

Rivalries were important. It caused drama, it caused entertainment, it gave you a reason besides just gear to keep PvPing. A good community helps keep the game fresh and fun even after you’ve done it all a million times.

If I wanted fast, easy access, quick queues I’d play BFA. Please keep the WORLD in World of Wacraft. Please do not do this.


I would rather have faster queues. I also would rather not play the same team over and over and over, whether I am stomping them or they’re stomping me, it’s not fun. I don’t think it will kill the PvP experience because it allows for different teams to play each other instead of the same 5 or so teams at a time :confused: if anything, not waiting 20 minutes for the queue will make things more accessible to others, which is nice without breaking the game.

PS… it’s already done :frowning:


I would rather have Local server BG’s only.

Unfortunately the crying by players who want instant Q’s got priority.


How long until they cave and put in LFD?

The moment they start putting that garbage in, they might as well have never put in Classic at all. Here’s hoping it stays out.


I don’t think it will kill the PvP community as you will have rivals when you see people in world PvP so the title is kinda a hyperbole. But I do agree cross realm BG’s goes against the community feeling of having rivalry in BG’s. Personally I would limit cross realm BG’s so there are battlegroups. I don’t know if this existed in Vanilla but I think it’s a better idea rather than having a possibility of getting into a BG with any server that is queueing. If it was just realm only BG’s then the queues will take forever and this impacts low-medium pop servers more than it would for high population servers.

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Battlegroup BGs were not terrible, at least on Nightfall it still felt small enough to have a community if you ran them enough. I’ll settle for the faster ques over the constant Wait time: Unavailable on a faction dominated server any day.


Oh boy here we go.


Chances are it’s in as it was in 1.12.

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It’s 2019.
They can put in code that would put you in server first before it groups you cross realm.
I mean come on. Humans send rockets to space.
We can lower the queue times AND play against the server.


I don’t remember LFD in vanilla. I do remember cross-realm BGs in vanilla, though.


Yes, LFD was introduced end of Wrath I believe.

I think folks are concerned the people used to that ease and comfort are going to try to fandangle it into the Classic experience.

How do you, OP, plan on getting around the fact that when people view one faction as having the best players (or the best racials or classes, as may be the case), and people stack one faction on one server, that it’s quickly not fun for those players to be in endless queues because the realm is 7:1 horde favored? Or Alliance?

How does this get addressed?

I don’t want to sit in a 30 minute queue just because I rolled on a one-sided server. That’s not worth the notoriety and name recognition.


30 min is generous, on a slow night I’ve sat in BG queues for 2.5 hours, and that was on a 60/40 server


Faction stacking is actually made worse because of CRBG.

CRBG’s are only a bandaid to lopsided faction balance on a fringe group of servers in Vanilla that were mostly PVE servers (alliance dominant)

You can look at CRBG in the modern game; it has not changed at all and the faction balance is worse now than ever before because of CRBG and systems like it.

CRBG is not the answer, it’s a bandaid for piss poor server management.

The solution is and always has been better server management.


Layering is worse.

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You mean the same people who pushed this game into the current retail version with LFR/LFD/etc?

Not sure why “Classic” WoW is being pushed in a direction by people who ruined WoW so much that people begged, petitioned, and cried for classic servers…


I’m not AGAINST wanting to fight people on the same realm and fighting people that I can go out in the world and kill later on. I like that. I miss that.

But I don’t know the answer on how to stop it. Unless Blizz purposefully goes in and says, “ok, this server is starting to tip horde, no more horde players.”

That would be what’s needed, but I can see the pushback on that, when friends don’t get to play with friends, because their friend who currently plays is on a locked-faction server.

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That’s really the only way to handle it…

That or move players from an over populated realm faction to an under populated realm faction (entire guilds)

This was actually done in early vanilla, and good for server balance.

I agree. I just see the posts now: “Blizz why do you hate me and not want me to play with my real life friends?”

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you see some of the comments and you see the lingering effects of current WoW, where players are willing to trade community for efficiency.
We got to where we are now with retail, because Blizz catered to that over and over.
Now if they want to cross serve PvE realms, that is fine with me.
But have larger population size PvP servers, since the desire of players going to one is to have a crowded world to do Wpvp in the first place and make them server only BG’s.