Cross Realm Mythic Release - Alliance @ 98/100

Well the quest itself shifts at the start of each week. So I’m still not sure if that would be a decision that would honestly make things better.


I was more leaning on mogs, mounts, tabards and titles. And if they brought back Conquest Points they could tie it into World Quest completion.

If available to both for doing things Id support this.

IDK I think it might work and be better for the day to day balance then waiting 1 week, looking at the charts, then having blizzard decide what the reward should be by then. Think of how LFR rewards work for tanks and healers in so much that it incentives helping people out for a reward based off the current need.

Listen again. He said the purpose of the differential bonus was to increase Alliance participation. That’s the differential bonus, not AOO.

In another interview, he said that the purpose of AOO was to drive Horde carebears out of war mode, though he said something more polite like “people who don’t even enjoy PVP” rather than “carebears”.

The Alliance only did that for the one week when AOO offered the best gear that people were then getting. Meanwhile, the Horde did that for all of 8.0. That’s why our carebears were already out of war mode.

Both factions like things that favor them. I don’t hear any Horde wanting to give up their superior racials that is what got them the population advantage in the first place.

Like battleground mercing, that would just make the population balance worse. If the grass looks greener Alliance side, pay for a faction transfer. Otherwise, don’t complain.

If you want “fair” PVP, do battlegrounds. War mode is for unfair PVP - that’s how world PVP has always been. It’s very easy to turn war mode off now if you don’t like that.

Illidan got to 95% Horde. That’s definitely completely out of hand.

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This is a really bad idea because it would destroy guilds who want to progress as a group.

Or make it 100 guilds per region, then watch NA go into meltdown :popcorn: :stuck_out_tongue:


this HoF thing was prob one of the worst things ever on the list implemented in BFA… might as well give guilds their specialflake title and change it to another one for those that want to do it after the curve.

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Alliance are now at 98/100. Let’s goooo Ally!

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Alliance, WM, guildless since ?Legion?; maybe dabbled in a single raid with a guild or two at the start of this xpac. Only raid with my cross-realm community. Haven’t needed a single drop from heroic in two weeks. Mythic not yet available.

I will never contribute towards these arbitrary clears, nor will any of the dozens of people I raid with. Most of them have unsubbed and don’t play while we’re waiting for cross-realm Mythic.

I’ve got 2 weeks before my current time expires. I probably won’t renew it until the new raid tier because the gearing is corruption-dependent. And corruption mechanics are cloak/vision dependent. So there’s really no reason to raid anyway I could get higher #s just buffing cloak and putting on more corruption gear; assuming Mythic gear doesn’t get the same T3 corruption effects. I’ve simmed it. Fact.

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This thread is from a year ago. Also, the current raid has 12 bosses, not 9.

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I don’t get how these necros can be anything but deliberate. How could someone accidentally find a year-old thread and comment on it?

Might have done a google search and just clicked the link from there and replied.

Google searches will turn up all sorts of old stuff on these forums.

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It’s a shame we don’t have auto-lock after 30 days of inactivity the way the EU forums are set up.

Still relevant though. But I did make a forum post for the current tier to avoid this and for every tier this expansion…

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