Cross Realm Mythic Release - Alliance @ 98/100

ALLIANCE KILL COUNTER: 98 as of 04/06/19
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Monday 3/25/19 Update
Hey all this is clearly something I care about and want to be spoken of every day. To clarify a few things that got lost in the shuffle I do not blame the alliance for this I put respobsibility on Blizzard for attaching the cross realm release to the achievements. Also while reaponding to many other viewers I clearly got some things mixed up in terms of which people said what but in regards to all that I said I still stand by it.

That being said I am swapping the title to something a bit more positive to make this an ongoing thread of us in the mythic cross realm community to track and discuss the allaince achievement anticipation for this release.

I still do stand by my original statements and have found myself playing other games more that have better access to difficult or challenging content for me. That being said I wont unsub as many of my wow friends reached out to me and still enjoy having m+ runs and other things with me in wow so Ill keep it active although I wont blame people who unsub until this gets released.

Im cheering for you alliance, cross realm mythic raiding is within our grasp. Many alliance are 8/9 mythic. Cheers to the eventual champions.

Original title and post: Only 44 Alliance guilds 9/9 mythic - unsubbing until cross realm mythic released?
Just checked raider io. Only 35 alliance have reached 9/9 mythic since the raid has been released. Blizzard have not changed their stance on allowing cross realm mythic before the alliance get 100. As each week passes there will be less and less people that want to log into wow to raid. Maybe there will be some people in the cross realm mythic raiding community that will play once alliance have 100 guilds at 9/9 mythic jaina.

Until then I am just considering unsubbing. There’s no challenge in this game until it gets released. And no I am not going to leave my guild and server transfer to play with other mythic players as a trial. I want to pug and enjoy the game with the people I like in the cross realm mythic community. Not sure what I am waiting for anymore as Alliance clearly needs help and all the free loot in the world are not helping them enough.


Most players with enough dedication or interest, to do more in mythics, are in the horde!
I myself do not feel interest in doing myths of any level!

I think there is little to be done about it!
Mythics are like BGs and arenas!

I think people who are eager to make progress in +M are mostly in the horde, so it makes sense to have few guilds in the alliance appearing in that scenario!


Yet Blizzard won’t change their stance that they want 100 alliance guilds to get 9/9 first along with 100 horde guilds. The longer it takes to be released the less people will be there in the pool once it is released. What will be their incentive? Play mythic so you can get gear that will be scrapped by the next raid tier in 3-5 weeks? Most people will just not raid until the next raid tier. This is still too restrictive. I get they want to give guilds and servers an identity but why not have the achievements tied down to the servers and guilds but remove the restrictions for everyone else? Why not just let people play the game and let the free market figure out how to get people together. It will also save people money on server transfers if they want to trial with a guild without having to spend money on a server transfer.


I guess I never understood why people need to do this cross realm and didn’t know this was an issue. Most progression raiders I know are in a guild. This is what they do. This is why they have a guild. Has that changed so much?


I would enjoy more cross faction things.


There’s 42, but you do you.


Are they in a guild because they want to be in one or is it because the restrictions for cross realm mythic raiding are so restrictive that they are forced to be in one? I’d say it’s a combination of both. But in my case I don’t want to leave my heroic guild nor do I want to force them to go into mythic. We do a lot of cross realm heroic raidin with friends. I am not willing to abandon the relationships I have built and the community of heroic raiders I have built to join a mythic raiding guild. That’s like killing all the work I have done over the last 3 years. I do want to raid mythic for the challenge but cannot find a pug spot in my servers low population. The only option for me is cross realm mythic. As each week passes more and more people are unsubbing or not raiding because there is nothing for them out there that’s a challenge with equal reward. So I am left staring at a screen of a game that doesn’t let me play with others even though they have the technology and capability to do so. Which ends up pushing me to other games that do not have such restrictions.

As I told a friend, would you play Overwatch ranked if the game only allowed you to play with players in your home state for 90% of the season and then finally released the full player phase in ranked against each other for the final 10%?

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Does there really need to be a topic about this every single day?


Yes /10char


blizzard will just put another mount or toy in the sore and they will buy it to make up for the sub loss.


Should just be the first 100. Nobody wants to wait for the Alliance to pick up the slack.


They’re in a guild because it’s the top end of progression and want a static team they work with all the time.

I’d think it’s more that pugging Mythic seems like something not many would do. Normal and Heroic make sense to me to see a lot of pugs. But Mythic doesn’t seem like it’s the type of content that gets pugged often due to the teamwork and difficulty level. But that could just be me.

I don’t play OW, so I don’t understand the comparison to that type of game compared to this one.


Whoopy, as if this stuff matters, and no you won’t


you haven’t barely learned heroic…


Basically hes stating would you play a game with a random online queue, but limited you to just playing with a small number of people in your neighborhood instead of the entire world.

That’s isn’t a valid comparison though since he isn’t limited to a small number of players. He can play with the entire US servers, except in the highest type of content and considering he has single kills on those last three heroic bosses, he can afford to spend more time doing them.


Wrong question.

Bro ask why even cross realm mythic has to be unlocked in the first place.


That’s incorrect because you are locked to your server for mythic raiding right now. So it’s literally impossible to play with the whole USA. And the last three bosses are eazy. I don’t need to kill them 100 times that’s not fun.


Just in that one type of content, and based on your armory you aren’t someone I would invite anyway.


What do I care if you would invite me? I don’t you can go kick rocks for all I care. I want to make my own group

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