Cross-realm bgs philosophy

So here he’s talking about the mount system changes in 1.12.1, but I think the philosophy is the same. Brian makes the point that the mount changes came in very late in Vanilla (same as cross-realm bgs), and that they paved the way for TBC systems. You could argue cross-realm bgs did the same thing for arenas.

So clearly the devs do put stock into the fact that a certain system existed for an extended period of time and thus is more indicative of the Classic experience, even though it was changed in 1.12.1. Why not also apply that philosophy to cross-realm bgs?


I caught that as well. Blame streamers. They don’t want to be sniped. 24/7 bgs.

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Hit the nail on the head if you ask me.


not really sure blizz knows wtf its doing

people have been screaming that x-realm anything is cancer, but apparently we think we do but we don’t when it comes to nixing cross realm bgs?

really stupid


The best part of Vanilla is the sense of community. You actually come to know the people you share Azeroth with–if not by name then by guild. Cross-realm BGs entirely removed this precious quality from battlegrounds when they were introduced at the very end of Vanilla.

Anonymous PvP is NOT Vanilla. It has no place in Classic. I want to play with and against the same people. I want to come to know their tricks and plan accordingly. I want guild rivalries to play out in microcosm in Warsong Gulch. I want to see that new Ashkandi I’ve seen on the Org bank in action in a battleground pug. I want the Alliance to know my Succubus’s name and tremble.

Replacing this vital community aspect of the game with ENTIRELY ANONYMOUS, ONE-OFF INTERACTIONS is destructive.


Lazy/Toxic playing

It’s coming.


I really don’t want cross relam battle grounds. they are an expantion system that snuck it’s way into retail. it does not belong. just let players reroll or transfer if they care that much about pvp que times.


So has blizzard said we are getting CRBG?

Yes we are.

For now yes.

My hope is people complain enough, we have PLENTY of time to get it pushed back.

Seriously? Classic is becoming less classic every day. :neutral_face:


Cross Realm BG’s were in classic… so how is that less classic?

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The mount changes were in Vanilla, but according to Brian they’re less classic.


I agree, I remember Vanilla as having no CRBG’s for the majority but there needs to be a stronger argument than it’s not classic when it clearly still was.

He said mount changes came in 1.12.1

CRBGs came in 1.12.0.

Clearly, the cut off is 1.12.1 :slight_smile:

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So you put CRBG’s in with the AQ or Naxx Phase.

Everyone happy.

Hah, this is funny I made this post a while back

and people kept saying the same thing xP It’s interesting they’re going with this idea, and i’m curious what the change was

Edit: thanks for sharing Btw.

the argument has been made to death: cross realm anything isn’t in the spirit of community that people want classic to bring back.

no one argues that it wasn’t in vanilla

but clearly some brain genius at blizzard decided that no, this was the retail accessibility we actually did need

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CRBG was a bandaid for unbalanced server faction populations. Servers all generally start pretty evenly, but shift one way over time. This happens especially fast for pvp servers because of ganking.

If I cared about pvp crbg would annoy me, since it’s basically a change that was bad, but necessary when it was implemented (70/30 or worse server pops killed bgs on a lot of servers). Who knows, since they intend to sell server transfers, maybe servers will be so stratified by phase3 that we’ll need crbgs.

Are we just going to continue ignoring the fact that thousands of players on low-pop realms got to engage in BGs because of CRBGs?

Their experience…just means nothing at all in this discussion? Their point of view doesn’t matter?

For the record, I don’t think CRBGs should appear in Classic unless absolutely necessary. Putting them in when the Honor system goes live feels premature to me. They should be precisely the reaction out of necessity that CRBGs were in Vanilla.