Credit card problem

I cannot set any of my credit cards as my payment method. I talked with like 5 game masters through the online chat, and they have no idea how to solve it. I tried restarting, using another device, another browser, clearing cache/history/cookies, etc.

The problem is that I’m using game time, and since I came back to WoW and just bought the expansion, I won’t be able to set up a recurring game subscription, and in my country they charge almost 25% more for every 30 days if I don’t set up a recurring sub.

Is there any blue/blizzard tech/anyone who knows what is going on? The banks say they don’t have any record of failure attempts, one of the game masters said from their side they don’t have any records either. They told me my account isn’t restricted or anything, then what is it? How come the website has a record of failed attempts (which in my case, according to the game masters is none) but it doesn’t record the fail messages given when I tried to either set up a credit card o buy a service with a credit card?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hey Vargdruid,

There is one known interaction with billing profile creation that causes the site to sit in a loading animation for an extremely long time, then eventually error out. This can be bypassed by using a mobile device that is using cellular data (instead of wifi) to create and save the billing profile.

If you’re not experiencing that specific issue, then there may be an issue with the card not being setup for subscription services, or something similar. I’m not currently seeing a billing profile on your account, so I would recommend setting that up before making subscription creation attempts.


I’m gonna create a list of what I’ve done to see if you can help me:

  1. I tried to buy a race change in the in-game shop with a credit card, but when I selected my billing adress and hit ok to add my credit card info, it just took a while, then it went back to the billing adress selection (I couldn’t even type my credit card information).

  2. I went to the battle net shop to try to add balance like I did once before with my debit card (you can check that in my transaction history), but it gave me the error: " Heads up! Something went wrong. Select another payment method or try again later". I tried this with four different cards: 2 debit cards, 2 credit cards. None worked.

  3. Opened a ticket with chat online, 5 times because I tried differt things that the game masters told me to do, nothing worked. To be honest, I think you have a bad and lazy customer service in general, none of them suggested me to come here and ask, and they didn’t seem like wanting to investigate on their own beyond the pre-solutions they have (restarting, using another device, another browser, clearing cache/history/cookies, setting the billing profile like you did). They also said they don’t accept debit cards from my country, but as you can see, I added balance on november 20th with a debit card, and now I can’t.

  4. I talked to the banks again just to make sure, they said they have no records of any attempts today, and are not blocking the store, so we are good from that side.

  5. I tried all previous tools and solutions one more time, and nothing. Even
    I tried adding a billing profile again on my smartphone using cellular data, but it just won’t accept any of my cards.

What could be it? How come all of them are failing? I even asked a friend of mine and my sister to let me check if it was my card the one with the problem, and they didn’t work either.

Hard to say what the issue is Vargdruid,

I’m not seeing any flagging issues or similar conflicts with the account. Please do keep in mind, this is the Technical Support forum. We focus on technical issues, not account related ones. Considering that the only known technical issue doesn’t seem to apply here, it may be a good idea to post over to the Customer Support forums. The players there may have additional ideas to explain what exactly is occurring here, and give guidance going forward.


I’ll post it there. Thanks!