Creator summit interview: No plans for lift restrictions on race/class combos

Tell them, not me :dracthyr_shrug: I simply said that the phrasing sounded like they were saying, yet again, that they intend to do it rather than that they’ve scrapped the idea, as OP implied.

No Orc Paladins? Guess I can go ahead and cancel my sub then since there is no longer any reason to keep paying. I’ll be here for the next few months for Pandaria remix since my sub just renewed but after that I’m done with wow till they let us make Orc Paladins.

I don’t understand Michael’s answer. Like… you can go use the race changer toy to turn your paladin into a vulpera for an hour and all the animations and everything it works perfectly fine :dracthyr_shrug:


It’s going to happen, unfortunately.

I just hope they do the right thing and preserve all possible identity and try to explain the most egregious outliers(velf paladins), etc.

I must admit, I am disappointed with Michael Bybee’s statement. Blizzard is not a small indie company. It has the resources and amount of stuff required to prioritize player agency and meet players’ requests. They should allocate their resources appropriately rather than continue to delay this. Void elves and Blood elves have the exact same rigs, and so do Night Elves and Nightborne. Why make these large playerbases wait around even longer…?

Give Void elves a questline to explain their acquisition of Paladin, and give them glyphs to recolour some of their abilities voidy purple. It’s not an impossible task. We didn’t ask you to build a rocket from scratch…

Title summary: “Not going to happen.”

Actual reality: “Not yet.”

my characters dont need governed by your headcanon thanks

Lore is more important than your head canon.


they overhired like many companys have more devs does not mean better productivity infact it could cause less.

Hope they put it off as long as possible. There were lore reasons the original race/class combos were chosen, and I’d like to keep that flavor for as long as we can.

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100% correct. also raids are designed for the lore. the expansions are lore first and everything else made for it.

youre right “lore” is but your headcanon that thinks races cant do other magics isnt

You do realize that the VAST majority of players do not care about meta racials and only pick what they like to play right?

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Im one of those. Racials have never been part of my process of making a toon. Which is why my main is always a Blood Elf.

Tho I do like Soar. If we ever get Dracs that can be other classes, I will be either race changing or re-rolling a Drac Hunter.

The lore that the void and light don’t mix isn’t headcannon. And no things done for game play reasons aren’t proof to the contrary.

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They’ve phrased something similar about housing for ages. I’ve been clinging to this carrot for so long that I realize it’s a l̵i̵e̵ friendly refusal.

I bet you 10k gold it won’t happen in the next three expacs.

They could have created druids for everyone in 10.2. They missed a perfect opportunity. Was it because they lacked the resources to develop new shapeshifting models? No. They created a good number of them as customization options.

Making all classes accessible to all races is both a gameplay and creative decision. And there was a recent seat change. It might as well be off the table completely.
Incidentally, I think something similar happened with Shadowlands.

If it’s actually still on their list, it is far enough down to be considered a virtual write-off imo.

You say race restrictions, we say a bunch of extra animation and artwork that we have to do to make that work for a Vulpera Paladin.



Ya know, if were talking about every other non elf race not having Demon Hunter animations, that would be fine. But literally every race has Druid, Pal, Priest, Rogue, Sham, Warlock, Monk, etc, specific animations. They are just not used when their not.

I will not be a Tauren Rogue that is just obsurd! This is getting out of hand… What’s next human evoker? What do I grow wings and flappy flap around magically breathing fire?

HUUH CHAT? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? I won’t accept it! Stop the lift!

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Oh. man, what a tragedy

You do realize I AM playing a Zandalari right? Still doesn’t change that the sweaty min-max nature of the community though.