Creator summit interview: No plans for lift restrictions on race/class combos

That lore-reason shouldn’t take more than maybe a half-hour to noodle out. DH and Evoker can be shared as easily as it takes to replicate the process. Paladin is a matter of being called by and serving an entity associated with the Light. Or just steal the class like BE did. Druid, same deal but Wild God. Shaman is the wild card, maybe dedication to the elements is enough, but Goblins were able to literally bargain their way into it so maybe force of will is enough.


I agree.

Personally IMO If they decide to work on it, then do it right. even if it takes some time.
Rushing a half-azzed product for the customers sake will end up in a poor product that most wonʻt appreciate when they realize what it “could have been” if they just had the time to flesh it out better.
I mean they probably could just give every new alliance druid the Nelf forms as placeholders in order to rush them out but I doubt it would be taken well.

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Paladin stuff makes sense for the next expansion with the light crystal zone…
They just aren’t going to announce it yet.

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I mean, this is exactly what I expected: they want to do it, and probably someday will, but currently it’s a lot of animation work.

Also, remember that we literally saw a Dracthyr rogue in the promotional image for Warbands and Ion expressly said it wasn’t an indication of more Dracthyr classes. A lot of people took that to mean it wouldn’t happen at all, and now here we are. Blizz doesn’t like to hype people up and create expectations - a lot easier to say “there are no plans” and then drop it when it’s ready.

As a side note, it kind of annoys me that nobody asks about transmog restrictions in any of these.


One of the things I think is really noticeable with Dragonflight, and will continue in the War Within, is a commitment from our team to continue to make more ways for players to express themselves with their characters; more customizations, more options, more different ways that you can visually show this is who I am or who I want be today.

Is that really “noticeable with Dragonflight”? Because most customizations we got were hair colors.

Demon Hunters, Druids, and Shamans trained more members for their respective groups (Illidari, Cenarion Circle, and Earthen Ring).
Dracthyr and the Dragon Aspects taught their magic to mortals (Evoker).
Every race can be Warrior and Priest, so like the first Paladins (Lordaeron Human knights that were trained in the Light by Stormwind Priests) the two disciplines merged to create new Paladins.

That took me a minute or two to type up.


This is coded speech. For example, like “Thank you for your work” rather than “Good work.”

It’s off the table.

To be fair, i could draw a stick figure of a vulpera paladin.
It dosenʻt mean its anywhere ready for the live game.

Not a bad thing tbh. With how Meta-Sweaty the playerbase already is, having some class/race restrictions is a good thing. Once we reach a point where all races can be all classes, that means they’ll have to eliminate racial skills like we’re already beginning to see with the human reputation racial.

That’s not the same as easily explaining the reasoning for opening up some races to more classes.

Yeah, this reads like “we’ll do it when the art team has enough time to make it work, and we’re not currently sure when that will be”.

Exactly as expected, to be honest. Demon Hunter demon forms, Druid shapeshift forms, Evoker possibility with Dracthyr forms and draconic customizations, and Shaman totems definitely take more time than check box next to Orc to allow it to be Priest as there’s no racial component to the class like the aforementioned four.

For now at least. Might be something they work on over the course of the saga to release later though.

So, to be fair here, the human racial (which happened to be the last “OG Racial” in WoW to go untouched/remained in game) only ended up having issues because of the way they’re coding rep gains now, because the human racial with the new way that rep is coded would give humans an unfair advantage that would be noticeable. I would argue that most racials these days don’t offer that, minus the dwarves and night elves, but I doubt Blizz would do anything crazy about racials anyway just because of opened up class availability.

Racials need some tweaking, regardless, but I feel like there’s a difference between having to tweak one because it’s relevant to the way they’ve coded the new rep system versus worrying about balancing each race’s racial abilities against one another.

So my question here is… why when I use the transmorpher beacon for my Dwarf Paladin to look like a Vulpera does all the animations work?

Maybe there is some skeleton clipping I don’t notice, and he isn’t wrong assets like Chargers need to be made, but the fact that I can use the Tansmorpher Beacon live in game right now to turn into a Vulpera and all of the attack animations for my spells and abilities seems to work makes me want an expanded explanation of what he means on that front.

I don’t think I have heard or seen a single person show off Transmorpher Beacon characters with wonky animations for their classes.

Id really love for him to expand on that point in particular because as a player, from my view point, a toy already exists in game that contradicts that point of his argument. Again, won’t disagree with the fact that assets like Chargers, Totems, Druid Forms, etc would need to be made but I’d argue that there is more work in expanding Dragon Boys to other classes and that’s already confirmed as coming.

Not sure what your experiences with Blizzard are, but you’ve got it back to front. You think they are saying no plans because don’t want to get hopes up, but what they are doing is avoiding inciting anger but letting people down with a hard no.

Basically until it can be monetized properly to generate more shareholder value, it’s not a priority. Paladin class expansion will probably wait for the Midnight at the earliest. And druid expansion had its moment come and go with DF so kiss that good bye.

They are able to keep adding new races and those get new classes each expansion, and there’s no concern about the time spent there, because it’s driving the revenue, I mean storyline, so it’s always definitely possible.

But they make more money with things like plunderstorm and fifteen flavors of classic.

This is just sad to see.
What have they been doing all this time…
We KNOW they have enough team members to sacrifice from TWW development to work on side projects. Why have they not been working on these missing assets all this time.

Dragonlfight provided the perfect moments to introduce most of the missing classes.

Evoker: If blizzard wasn’t lazy then Dracthyr would have and SHOULD have gotten access to all races as a Visage option
Druid: We literally had an EMERALD DREAM patch
Paladin: All of the stuff involving Tyr and the new Paladin Order
Shaman: Primalists forces defecting and returning to the factions

Nah, not even close to the same vibe from the speech. The plans are there, Blizzard’s just spinning a ton of other plates before putting further hours on this bit.

They’ve been talking about doing it for two years now. At some point they need to, you know, actually do it.


i don’t even think shaman/paladin have any unique animations they’d have to rig up, just laziness on their part. but we are getting dracthyr unlocked in 11.x so this is probably why