Creator summit interview: No plans for lift restrictions on race/class combos

Is your loa gonk? It helps with death knights.

Light and void have been shown to be able to be wielded together such as disc priest.

Undead can also canonically use it but hurts greatly to use and undead suffer nobly when getting healed by it.

So no drcythyr paladins?

Will it all happen at once? Highly unlikely unless racials are revamped across the board to basically be cosmetic at most when it comes to impact. Then, yes, it would make sense to just flip the switch and make everything accessible.

What’s more likely is we’ll continue seeing a drip-feed. Universal Warlocks was an announcement made not long before its release, so universal class releases for all other stripes similarly would be implemented "When It’s Done"™.

Paladin probably requires the least overall work, so it’d make sense they’re next in the pipeline. Did Blizzard miss a golden opportunity to expand classes? Maybe, maybe not. Blizzard hasn’t capitalized on a lot of offered opportunities of late, so they may just have a horrific sense for this kind of thing.

Right now they have to figure out how to decouple Dracthyr and Evoker, a task not made easy by Blizzard trying to take the easy way out and make Dracthyr a literal one-class-race. Once that’s finalized, we’ll see how they feel about revisiting class expansions. The last time they did it, the forum and game exploded with Draenei Warlock populations, so unlike many of their recent decisions that was at least received with popular approval.

It’s been confirmed that they are planning to expand the Dracthyr in TWW, it just may not be at TWW’s release.


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