Creator summit interview: No plans for lift restrictions on race/class combos

With cross-faction being included and updated more and more in the game, is there a chance that race restrictions will be lifted? I’d like to be a Vulpera Paladin.

Michael Bybee:
Yeah, I hear you. I think a Vulpera Paladin would be really cool. You say race restrictions, we say a bunch of extra animation and artwork that we have to do to make that work for a Vulpera Paladin. Unfortunately, especially Paladins and classes that have a lot of extra abilities, it does require work from the team to be able to make that work. Every time we talk about it we feel super passionately about making that. But at this time, we are actually not ready to announce any additional Paladins or other class extensions beyond what you’ve currently seen.

You seen it here, no demon hunters to other races, no paladins to other races, no druids, etc etc


This tells me they plan to, just not yet.


Yeah I read it as they don’t want us to get hyped that we’ll secretly get those combos released randomly before or during 11.0. They’ll be added eventually just need more time.


It sounds like they want to do the expansion correctly of classes so right now there isn’t an expansion cause it’s being cooked up. Least way I’m reading it.

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I rather them focus on the expansions content than trying to make a Vulpera paladin

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Maybe not lay off thousands of developers and you could do it


That’s the year of 2020 fault. Gave businesses lots of lots of money cause shutdowns and pandemic.

Turns out as we slowly went back to our lives normally companies realized how much they hired. Turns out it costs to much to keep these people around. Projects failed. So cuts needed to happen

Grab your tinfoil hats! It’s time to riddle out what “we are actually not ready to” means.

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Isn’t that just what they said before? Class/race combos that were mostly just flipping options in the database would be first, followed by ones that needed a bit of story massaging, and (however long) later the classes that required a lot of additional art assets?

I’m pretty sure I read they were working on them. Like they had the chargers, flightforms and stuff, but working on animations for everything is very time consuming.

And knowing them… I’d say you’d be right. They love dropping secret bombs on us lol.

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But what if that is expansion content?

When I mean by that I mean putting more focus on devles for example. Maybe something amazing for 11.1/11.2

Maybe focus on bringing back brawlers guild based on the alpha datamined

Race/classes introduction to other races is cosmetic and should be focused last when every other goal is met.

Quite disappointing. Not every expansion of a class needs to be a novel-worthy odyssey, and arguably a player will justify their own character far better than whatever ‘inspiration’ unlocks what ought to be as easy as going ‘oh right, I can train with THIS person instead’.


I mean, this really comes off as them saying they’re planning on doing it, they just want to do it the right way. Furthermore, it has been confirmed they will happen, just not all in DF. So this isn’t really anything new/changing with their original plan.


There you guys have it, Draenei Demon Hunters confirmed!

Have you seen how rabid people get around here about small stuff? If blizz phones in the expansion of races/classes by holding back on the art stuff, people would be ready to burn down the building.

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Title misleading, needs changing.

Zuma is not known for reading comprehension.


Class restrictions being lifted were often one of the highlights of the *.5 patches so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to save those announcements for then.

I’m not saying phone it in, I’m saying it’s entirely reasonable for ‘Pandaren can be Paladins/DHs/Other’ to be summed up in about two sentences. Anything past that should be considered gravy.

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There needs to be a lore reason as to why each class is extended to this races as well. That takes time to work .

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