Creating a forum mark: May 10th, 2024

:smiley: i would share but i am a messy eater and that is not fair to others :upside_down_face:

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Based off the blue post, I’m hoping it means they’re going to try and get account-wide ignore implemented.

Sure would be nice if they came out and said it, though.

NELF, BELF, it’s all good!

Considering that staff said that feedback doesn’t go unnoticed on the final post of that thread, there could be an infinite number of reasons why the thread was closed but discussing it is pointless speculation.

Anyone who says that Forum feedback goes unnoticed is more or less just trying to get a rise out of people or make an argument of futility. Taivan and the Primal storms are just a few of the recent examples that have been covered extensively on forums and have had changes happen, though those were in-game changes from forum suggestions.

Unlock the ones who make promises at blizzcon they later don’t keep, i would prefer they just do it. Instead of saying they will, then not doing it.

I’m more shocked they didn’t implement this idea since that thread was from 2023. We’re already coming up on a whole year that account-wide ignores aren’t a thing.

My issue with that thread was that it was 18k posts of beating a dead horse.

Dang. It was less than 3k posts from getting a part 2 when they locked it. I’m more upset about that than I am about them closing the thread, lol.

Well, we’ve been beating that horse for over a year now and once upon a time they halfway promised they were “working on it”

The horse will keep getting beat until they do something or they say they are never going to do anything.

We don’t know what level of care passes between forum moderation and development.

Could be an email that sits in a bank of many others unread for months or something that’s politely nodded at before its side lined for something more pressing.

:open_mouth: oh come on, you know they are not giving anything a “polite nod”

There’s a megathread going since 2018 about how Blizzard ruined the guild interface, and they still haven’t fixed that.


Gee, isn’t that just delightful?

Blizz moves slower than the government in some aspects

I mean I haven’t worked in their department, but I can imagine it being a tense one, given what glimpses we see in the media.

Their still working on it.

From what we see in the media, and from the lawsuits they faced, I doubt anyone in that workplace looks at anything and goes “that is kind of a nice idea” simply because dealing with such an environment will make most people bitter and not care for the customers.

They are? Are you sure?


A BELF can hope, can’t he?

Don’t see why not.

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I sure do like being notified

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