Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

You’re right, they should charge it as a service fee instead of an actual tip, the tip would be extra on top of the service fee. I.e you want quality 5? k, 60k gold, your mats. Have a nice day lol.

well there is two weapon slots, and ten other slots (counting rings) it seems like it would be wise to have gone the armor route. :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair 50 gold is literally not worth the time what so ever lol. All I think is some grandma telling a kid if they mow the lawn she will give them a quarter and her thinking a quarter is actually still valuable.

You can spend $25 on a WoW token which is going for 144k gold atm. Which means for every dollar you spend you’re getting 5700 gold. Which means 57 gold equates to a penny. You’re asking someone to do something for you that they have spent time grinding in their profession, or getting the recipe for, to essentially make less than a penny worth of gold value

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Yeah. I checked multiple times. It’s the Black Dragon touched Hammer. Can’t put a work order for someone else to make me one, so I assume it’s the same.

If they require something more than what the person is willing to give, it isn’t a tip, it’s a fee. If they want to charge fees go for it, but for tips will always be at the whim of the customer. Most people are already stuck with huge price on items to even CRAFT that stuff so no, don’t expect big tips if you ask for tips.

Yeah man. I feel pretty dumb. I’m doubling down too since I’ve already spent the knowledge. Not sure if sunk cost fallacy or what. Went into hammer smithing, & now hammer control. Lol.

Of course


i just tip 250g

Are you a grown up?
Do you live in a grown up world?
If so, why do you insist on reporting someone because they decide to reject you?
Do you also report the other sex when they reject you romantically in the real world? Because this type of attitude tells me that, that is more than likely a norm in your day to day.

You people need to grow up, develop some thicker skin, and stop crying about everything.
It must be an american thing, you all moved from, suing everyone (I bet you’d sue them if you could), to “REPORT YOU!”.

Man, I would love to see what some of you look like IRL.
I have a pretty good idea, but I’d just love to prove it to myself.

Yes. I blog about it

Not surprised.
There’s more to it than that. But I can’t say much here, without getting a perma ban. So I just laugh, and shake my head at the ridiculousness of you people on the forums.


Well, is 50g really a tip? Do you tip your pizza guy 50 cents? I mean it’s a “tip” right? Or is it?

Except mowing the lawn takes 30 minutes?

Clicking a button , or 3, takes you 3 seconds?

So yeah 50g

Except 50g is less than 1 cent in monetary value. There isn’t much I would do for anyone in this world that would think my services are worth less than 1 cent regardless of how small of a task it was.

If you were to tip ANYONE in the real world 1 cent that would legit just be an insult more than if you had tipped nothing. If the argument is that “it’s just a video game” , that makes it even more pathetic that you’re being that cheap with how over abundant gold is in this game and how easy it is to get

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if they lied to you its ez to add em on ignore. fixed :slight_smile:

tipping culture is stupid as f, i said it

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If you’re talking real world then I don’t agree. Anyone in the service industry simply would not try as hard, knowing they didn’t have to work for your tips and that’s just a fact. If your waiter/waitress knows they aren’t going to get anything extra from you, why would they care to check on you.

There are some things I do find stupid that is part of the “tipping culture” for sure, but there’s a lot that’s needed as well

I agree. People often expect tips when it is supposedly for superior service. But it is really so that businesses don’t have to pay their employees as much. So their employees expect a certain tip for normal service. If you go to a restaurant with friends, somebody will usually say something like “it’s customary to tip %15-20, that’s what I usually do” hereby showing they have money to throw away, and how sophisticated they are . I once went to a hotel in the Carribean for a vacation. WHile I was at the front desk checking in, a bellboy took my luggage and headed upstairs. Once I got to my room, he stood there expecting a tip. I gave him a small tip but I hated him. He didn’t ask if I wanted help with my bags (I didn’t) he was just being manipulative to get a tip that he thought I owed him because he took my bags without asking. It was not a high end hotel, it was rather modest.

i see where youre coming from but what happens is they expect it so much that it becomes baseline and not an incentive to offer better service.

*unless they know you overtip everytime then they give you preferential treatment - which is a bit unethical in itself but whatever :wink: