Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

I did read it, and still think it’s cheap.

Why on earth would you expect someone to pay 100-1000g tip on a green crafting item which sells for 100g on the AH? They can just buy it at that point.

At that point, you’re being greedy, which is the opposite of what you’re claiming they’re being.

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If they can buy it on the AH for less they should. If the crafter doesn’t feel crafting specific items is worth their time, that’s a free market.

I can put up an order for a 1g tip if I wanted and it would be fulfilled. (I only do that for my alts sending me a personal order for the weekly quest though lol)

So your logic doesn’t really work. Because someone will fulfill that “cheap tipper”'s order - leaving you without the tip you could have had. Yes, it’s just 50g, but that’s 50g you could have had.

You act like you’re spending your materials on these crafting orders - you aren’t. You are literally spending 5 seconds of your time.

I get that argument in real life all the time. I could sell services much cheaper, and there are people who are willing to do it for a pittance, but I value my time and would rather not compete in a race for the bottom when enough people are willing to pay a decent price.

It’s a good thing I don’t make a living off of an MMO profession system… Wouldn’t wanna be unprofessional there.

Don’t forget to make a page for them and leave a bad Yelp review

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“Tip what you think is fair, but I like to see four digits.”

I totally misread that as 50 g’s, like 50 grand. Not just 50 gold. I was about to say…

Obviously there were wrong answers

This falls apart when you remember that you pressing that button doesn’t sap away your skillups. That person did not force you to go down that tree then not reimburse you. You went down that path either to make your own item or because you saw other people doing it and thought it would be easy money.

This is the problem with the crafting situation, you aren’t paying for mats, everything is provided by the person, so anything after is just them giving you something out of thanks for clicking a button.

If it was a recraft or you paid for the mats it be different. But the customer should not have to pay off the money you spent for skilling up the path you choose well before they ever met you.

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Can the orders cost the crafters anything? I don’t get any personal orders outside of like, advanced crafting tools which never cost me anything.

I don’t really care what you tip as I can proc resourcefulness and get free mats from you lol.

Wait you guys are hitting your order limits? I’m lucky to get one a day. What gives?

Due to crafting times and investments involved in getting to those recipes and unlocks… I usually tip 1k minimum.
My lariat was a 5k tip just because its one of those advanced things.

But 50g… Why even tip at all? xD

Unless he is on a massive server with a huge amount of people all needing armor or lariats he is most likely hitting the order limit with gems if he is a JC. I can’t see someone consistently hit the crafting limit on serious items.

Yeah I picked weaponsmith like a noob. Nobody wants my axes. I get to snipe some public orders for khaz’gorite pickaxe if i’m lucky.

Dude unless you got a rare world drop nobody’s really making orders

50g? U deserve to get it rejected.


I got a rare hammer drop that can only be made for myself and isn’t available for work order :slight_smile: I mean it’s a nice hammer.

Are you a 100% it’s not a workorder because BOP doesn’t mean anything

If it’s the Black Dragon Touched Hammer (epic blacksmithing tool), it’s indeed something that can’t be made as a work order, only for yourself.