Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

Name a price then.

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2k for profession tools, 15k for a 418 Lariat, 15k for 418 legs, 20k for a 418 weapon…

Send me any crafting order you want done from inscription, I’ll do it for 1 silver.

As long as you provide the materials it’s no skin off my back to click a couple buttons.

Sure, I like receiving 1000g+ for it but I honestly don’t mind doing it for dirt.


My contribution is 135 points into the spec that allows me to craft t5 of that specific piece of gear you want that nobody else can or will craft.
Its niche, and it pays to be niche sometimes. Im not saying I get to do Every craft and get paid 60k, I get paid 60k for my specialty. Thats the service I offer.

You knew some tool was going to try and come and say that lol. But since we are comparing a fictional service to a real life service it fits. Move along

50g always the standard thank you. But considering you sound like a swell guy, I always like to surprise on the upside. 200 or even 500g I typically tip crafters that I feel are nice

I tip well IRL and in game. I think I tipped 5 K for a 386 helm on the order system. And I feel that was kinda low.

But if I am aware that you say “Tip whatever” and you reject low tips, you get nothing.

Don’t lie to people. Especially when it’s not even needed. I hate liars. If you want a certain amount just freaking say it.

I don’t care how cheap folks think OP is. This wouldn’t be an issue if folks just named their damn price.


The craft in question matters, I’d say. Getting to the point where you can reliably craft items at 405/418 with whatever additions a buyer wants takes time, effort and in some cases no small amount of money. Sure, all it takes is a few clicks on the crafting table to actually fill an order, but the fact of the matter is that you’re going to someone else for something you can’t obtain or make yourself. If you’ve gone to the lengths of actually finding someone specifically to fill an order for you (rather than just dumping something on the public craft list), you ought to be mindful of that.

‘Tip whatever you like’ and ‘Tip whatever you think is fair’ comes with the unspoken expectation that you’ll be… well, fair—and it ain’t a contract. If someone doesn’t like what you’re offering, they don’t have to make the item for you. If that’s a problem you’re running into, you may need to take that as a sign that you need to value work orders a little more. 50g is barely a quest reward, these days.

On that same note, I also understand that not having a specifically named price opens up the door to this kind of thing. Doesn’t make OP seem any less cheap. Both parties can be wrong.

I’ll usually try to put a joke in there, and tip 3141g 59s

While leveling inscription (only at 95 still) I bought 100k worth of resources to craft rolling pins.

I could have just crafted and vendored them, instead I advertised free rolling pins to whoever sent a personal order for them.

I was getting so many /whispers asking me “what’s the catch” a few thought I was going to scam them and backed out. Lol

Blizzard designed a toxic system, punitive to all but close knit guild groups they all operate in… nothing new here.

Not reportable, but something to frown upon. However, if I need an order from someone outside of my guild or my brother, I’m not gonna insult the crafter in question and give them 50g or no tip, even if it’s with my mats. It’s like going to the restaurant and tipping the food server a dollar or some pocket change. It’s seen as not just being cheap, but disrespectful.

EDIT: I say 50g is considered insulting and being cheap in this case is because of the value of gold and how everything is valued these days. The crafter is in the wrong for the bad advertising, but you need to consider the current gold economy in WoW.

EDIT 2: For the record, I’m a firm believer of those who provide the mats DO NOT have to tip, at least with my crafting.

I hate tip culture.

Just tell me the price.

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people say “tip what you like” so they can get bigger tips from people who don’t know the “going tip rate”. They are not being polite, they are being sneaky. If they really mean it, they will accept whatever tip they get. But they don’t really mean it, they are just trying to get higher tips from people who are not as knowledgeable about the market.

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I’ve told people to tip me what they want, and taken orders with all manner of tips (anything from 100g all the way up to 5k). I just don’t typically tell people ‘tip what you like’ unless it’s something very, very easy for me to make—like gear with training matrixes. Like I said, be fair. That same ‘if you don’t like what someone’s offering’ argument cuts both ways; you’re under no obligation to stick with crafters that’re trying to extort you.

Saying ‘all crafters just tell people that to cheat them’ is a pretty poor faith take, IMHO.

Edit: Also, you’re more than welcome to insist upon being given a price if you’re worried you’re being taken advantage of.

1k? I tip at LEAST 5k, but most I go is 10k.

How many buttons and gold did the crafter invest to level the profession? I spent 120k on mats to gain my last 6 skillups so i can make max rank tools. Some patterns were 2 million gold.

Im not saying you cant tip 50g, you might find someone who is willing to do it, but really think about what you think is fair. If you bought a brand new car from the dealership would you expect to pay for them doijng some paperwork to transfer the car to you? or do you expect to pay for the entire existence that the car has gone through to get that car there in the first place?

Really depends on the item.

Like, Treatises for Profession Knowledge? Naw, I’m not paying 1000g. Especially since they have to craft treatises to learn more treatise recipes - they’re getting just as much out of it as me.

Likewise, if someone wants a basic profession tool (green quality), I’m not going to expect them to pay up 1000g in a tip when they can buy the item on the AH for less than that.

Context matters, especially with tipping.

50g? That’s like getting upset when a wedding invitation says “casual dress”, but you aren’t allowed into the church when you show up in your underwear.

You should report it. GMs need a laugh once in a while.

See above. :stuck_out_tongue: 50g is plenty tip for a green profession item being crafted, for instance.

Context is key.