Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

you’re the guy that tips a dollar on a $50 bar tab, huh

When I was a bartender, sometimes you had that patron that leaves a buck or two on a tab that was around $200 after spending a few hours at the bar, lets say 2.

What are the facts?:

  • The patron racked up a tab of $200 and tipped, say, $2. That makes him a total cheapskate, as even 15% of $200 is $30 which equates to 15/hr and that is pretty normal (assuming it was a normal experience and I didn’t offend him/her in any way)
  • If the patron was to ask me if I cared what I would tip, I think most people would say “whatever you think I earned” as care to not offend the potential tipper before the ink is on the paper.
  • Had the $2 met ink on paper, and the patron was gone, my attitude towards the situation would be negative and would affect how I treated the patron if ever in contact with the patron again. And if I never saw the patron again, years later I would complain about it on a warcraft forum

The point is, this person either through luck or skill, went through the effort to be able to provide the service and you tipped pennies on the dollar (albeit in a game, but a game with a USD to Gold conversion built in).

Honestly, on principle, I’d probably deny it too. There are plenty of bars around, you’ll find on that’ll work for you and if you don’t, you’ll change your tip amount or you’ll stop going to bars.

When I tell people they don’t need to I mean it. Told a guy the other day I could make his tool, but it wouldn’t be max rank and I got a talent from it so he could have it for free. He still tipped but I’d have accepted it for nothing.


I always tip 2k. Enough so no one can really complain but on the short side of things so that everyone leaves vaguely disastisifed.


Here is what I think of tipping: Many years ago I landed in a small caribbean country with a group of scuba divers. I saw a local grab the bags of the person next to me and then expected a tip for their “service”. No, the local did not ask “may I help you with your bags”. At another time I was at Miami Intl and someone started to pick up some of my luggage and immediately said “I can handle that myself”. No way was I going to tip sombody who just takes your bag and expects you to tip out of guilt.

I mean If I say tip what you like, and you hand me 50g for 418 boots.
You can consider your name on the blacklist. I don’t need your orders.

I’ve gotten payments from 5g to 60k for the same pair of boots, guess which one gets free recrafts, and guess which one gets charged 1.5k per mettle I use.

Sure you can tip what you want. Doesn’t mean you get what you want.

People in real life often like to brag about how much they tip. They want to show 1) they can afford to throw money away and 2) they want to show how “sophisticated and classy” they are.

Kind of confused here. Are we talking crafting orders? Because the few crafting orders I got I never got paid for it.

Similar to when I put stuff out, people (at least my server) are currently starved for the first craft bonus and the skill ups and will just do it for free. It’s not like they lose anything doing it since unlike real life all the materials are paid by the person and you physically don’t have to hunt them down, just sit near the crafting order and search through the list for someone looking for a craft.

Now if this was the AH then it would be different since you would obviously put in as much money the mats costed then put in extra to break even. But Blizzard did not do crafting orders probably, had crafting orders made the person with the profession use their own stats then a tip would be expected.

The only time I have ever said “Tip whatever you want” is when it was both a first time craft and I get a skill up. I value the mettle, knowledge, and skill ups more than gold and anyone that hits all three for me can usually get something expensive pretty cheap from me, unless I have to supply some mats.

Usually works out, sometimes I get bit and get a low ball offer, but most times I get a decent comnission and a repeat customer.

Any crafting I’ve done has always been free with your materials, tips appreciated. I’ve gotten thousands for a tip to a few silver on crafting I’ve done for people; always saying “Thank You” regardless the amount. If I expected a certain amount I would charge a crafting fee before doing the order.

I don’t understand how people get mad if they aren’t tipped enough yet don’t put in a fee as to what they expect to get for a tip.

When discussing payment tipping is subjective, a fee is finite.

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You must be delusional to think 60,000 is fair payment for something that cost you nothing to press.

50-200g was what we tip mages for opening portals for us.

Bellboys at hotels get tips but they actually do provide a service.

Your service is pressing a button. 50g is generous don’t you think?

Classic maybe. Absolutely not Vanilla.

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There’s “tipping whatever you’d like” and then there’s being a greedy cheapskate by tipping gold someone could make vendoring a single green.

I haven’t put in any orders but would the 10% or 15% we use in the real world apply here?

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Is still a tip.

If you’re expecting more, you want a payment which is not the same as a tip.


As much as I hate the actual tipping culture, I do wish they would have put in a tip option for AFTER the item is commissioned so people wouldn’t mistake the two.

This is pretty scummy of the guy in question…like seriously, makes me miss the days of having server community and name and shames.

I think the OP needed to say what he was tipping for.

I put a public order in for a fishing rod and added a 100g tip. I didn’t know people are limited to only 20 things a day but I figured, it is such an easy thing to make, and if this crafting system wasn’t built the way it was - honestly would rather the old system and I just go to the AH to buy what I want - anyways, someone took the order. Maybe they thought I was scummy but I figured 100g to click a button is something. Prob should have made it 500g cause quests give 50g these days but I came back from classic mindset so there is that.

people tiping 1 silver yeah …

If the mechanic only had to snap his fingers and everything was fixed. Durr.