Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

The longer you hold your line, the better you’ll feel later thinking you were right and everyone else was just attacking you.

That is completely ignoring the hours and hours it took them to get to that point.


I will because you are wrong. :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll believe in the right thing and you can keep having your head in the sand if that helps you feel like you have some sort of point.

It’s like when you ask your partner where to eat for dinner and she says “you decide.” That’s a trap. You’re supposed to guess where she wants to go eat. And you’re supposed to guess how large of a tip the crafter wants.

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no crafter should be saying “tip whatever you want” period. Learn to value your time and stop passing the responsibility of pricing to the consumer, then be offended they didn’t pay you enough. Be clear and say “commission is X gold”


It’s actually not that hard to max out skill. If you quite literally go to trade and offer w/e ranks you can make for free for the skill points lmao. People will pretty much throw themselves at you.

I also have several alts leveled with max profs too.

It’s almost as if this crafting system was made so you communicate with people in an online game.

exactly what a greedy sob would say

Tip a reasonable and respectable amount. 50g literally wont even repair HALF of one single piece of armor in DF.

No if someone says “free with your mats” or “crafting xyz free” then by all means, tip nothing or something really low.

imo? lowest reasonable respectful tip in DF is 1k

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I suppose some people say “tip whatever you want” hoping that some people won’t know what is “the going rate” and tip more than they would have accepted. What they ought to say is “I can only do so many orders a day and I will give priority to good tippers”

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Now whose the one insulting someone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not in the slightest.

Y’all the type of person to put down “Why?” on the tip part of Doordash ain’t ya.


still you

Also I am scratching my head how you got off my ignore list. Oh thats right “private profile” low level alt.

exactly! we call that emotional blackmailing. She is upset about something but doesn’t want to say it; so she’s setting you up to make a mistake so she can then complain about it later. It is unhealthy communication for both partners in the relationship.

PS: obviously, it is a little different, because many of those issues are rooted in socialization and can often be involuntary… but the main concept still applies here. Assertiveness is necessary for good communication.

well if people were charging closer to value for a persons time, then maybe I would agree with you. when someone asks for 50k in gold to craft something that if you farmed out personally wouldn’t even be close to time spent converted into gold cost, then the problem is the sellers in the market, not the buyers.

if it was economical for me to request crafting orders rather than just craft it myself, then I would. the people charging massive amounts of gold are just greedy, and the market will correct itself.

So you don’t know you insulted me calling me an SOB and also don’t know what greed means. That’s 2 for 2.

Put me back on ignore :joy:

If it’s expected, it’s not a tip, it’s a fee.


50g is a ‘i’m tossing a freebie crafting order to a guildie so they can complete their weekly quest’ payment.

if i’m posting a legit crafting order its a 1k tip as a base, and then i’ll usually toss in another 1k per crafting level. (since it saves me needing to hunt down recrafting later. so if it comes out at rank 5 i’ll send em an extra 4k after.)

potions/phials are a little bit different. but even then i’ll usually tip like 50-100g -per potion- that i’m ordering.

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This will chap your hide.

I give all my philters/potions/transmutes/food away for free

I’m all for the “tip what you like”, but I will say that I won’t fill crafting orders with an insulting commission…
Saw someone in guild remarking the other day about an inscription public commission for missives, I think… and the order was 5s a commission… is that even worth hitting the three buttons to process the order?

Not everyone has thousands of gold to pay 50k for a crafting order, but in an expansion where the average “kill something” gives you 5g or more on raw lootables… tip appropriately. Odds are you made well over 2k gold just from vendorables while farming for that item you requested, not to mention auctionables or world quest rewards…

Some recipes are harder to obtain than others, regardless of if they’re simply in the crafting tree or not. Some are discoveries. Some are rare drops… a person who got the elemental lariat on their first rare might have less of tip value threshold than someone that’s farmed it for weeks on multiple characters. That’s not to say the second player deserves more, but hard to obtain is hard to obtain, no matter where it comes from

Nah, that’s very nice of you.