Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

It took you longer than 2-seconds to acquire that skill.


I am not the one that got this upset for offering services that took me minimal effort for free.

Imo, that’s why this system is a failure. Everyone is just being self-sufficient instead of relying on each other.

It was supposed to be, other people fulfilling work orders for you etc, and you bring supplies.

Only in reality, it doesn’t work nearly as well lol, people get lower quality than what they wanted, etc.

The whole thing makes me sad, because it was a feature I was really excited about going into DF. And it just flops hard in regards to public orders.

It’s like if everyone was capable of multiboxing and runs their own dungeons instead of interacting with Looking for Group, that’s what it feels like.

Neither have I gotten upset. It’s a game lol
I’m just pointing out the faults in your own silly takes.

Oh my bad a grand total of maybe 3 hours of doing weeklies. I forgot this equals 10 years of law school.

50g is pretty cheap. They’re probably rejecting you because that’s borderline disrespect lol. I’d rather be tipped nothing than 50g


Tip whatever you want is short for

“Tip whatever you want within a reasonable amount for the work done”

Not just what you want because you’re broke.

I’ve left 25 cents at a high end restaurant because the waitress was crap and extremely rude.

I’ve dropped $20 tip on a 3 dollar coffee before.

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Insulting people over offering services for free. Yep clearly not upset.

No, I haven’t insulted you. And this whole thing isn’t over offering services for free. You can do it for whatever you please. I’m just pointing out your lack of understanding about what ‘greed’ means since you constantly misuse it.

I would probably defend you if your tip wasn’t so astronomically low lol. It’s almost insulting.

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ahhh the ol’ bait and switch…

Often I offer crafting services for free, until you show up looking for the free stuff.

“Seems I just ran out and now all I have left is this expensive stuff as an alternative.”

You don’t have to be upset to be critical of something.

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And I have a sneaky suspicion OP wanted some high end rank weapon or something :laughing:

Technically that’s supposed to be a “commission”, not a “tip”. Generally if it is a higher proc, I will send the tip extra.

Still, they said “tip whatever you want”, still doesn’t mean they don’t have the option to deny whoever they want.

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they mean reasonable. they are doing you a service so you should tip reasonably. And don’t compare it to a restaurant server because this is a video game. irl servers can pretty much not do their job properly and give terrible service even when slammed so there is a reason for not tipping at all or low in those cases.

Definitely two camps… I see a lot of low offer orders sit for long periods. Then there are others that see value and offer compensation.

2 seconds of clicking a menu an expecting any form of value is 100% greed. You can disagree all you want. The effort to get this isn’t an excuse either, but maybe you can continue to convince yourself if you repeat this enough.

Shoot, good catch there. I’ve been mixing the two words when this topic comes up.
thanks for reminding me.

If it was really just that easy people would level up alt professions. It is not that easy to level up professions and then if you want to have certain stats and extras it is even more. Unless you are asking for the lowest tier of item with no extras tips should start at least 500g. But I am someone that over tips.

i do 42 gold for public ones. 5k gold for personal ones, and 420 gold for personal recraft if its the same guy that got the original 5k.

didnt have any issues yet.

its not that big of a deal once theyre 418 its over and done with never think about it again. can get 418 from vault ez, up to 421. close to the point where crafting will be obsolete (unless youre an altaholic i guess).