Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

You have to look at it as if you were tipping the bartender at your local bar. If they know you as a good tipper, you get your drinks quickly and they’re always made right. If they know you as a cheapskate, you’ll still get your drink, but later, and not made with their best work.

I suggest offering a couple grand as a tip. Not a lot of cash relative to what we get in WQ rewards, but still a nice chunk of change.

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You can make a lot more than 50g in two seconds these days.

I make stuff virtually for free, too. But I can definitely see how such a “tip” would be borderline insulting.

Why level professions then lol, why not just advertise you are giving away free gold lmao

Generous… and uncommon.

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Yup, I was reading a tweet by hikons saying how someone tipped very well for a lariat I think or something and he was writing how glad he was that he was able to get a rank 5 for the person because of it.

Don’t be cheap af. 50g, really? I’d reject that garbage too.

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I had someone ask me to make them PvP boots at rank 5, send me rank 1 mats, tip me 1 silver and left a note saying “If I had the option to not pay you at all, I would take that option.”

So I accepted the commission so he couldnt cancel it and thrn just not craft it for 30 minutes before the game auto cancelled it.


because I am not greedy and have more than enough gold to come by. It literally cost me nothing to make these items for people since I am afk in valdrakken most of the time anyways.

I agree nerf BM hunters


You don’t need to be greedy to be tipped for something you put quite a bit of time into these new professions to the required rank or what have you. If you don’t value yourself then sure but don’t mix greedy with just not caring.

Its 100% greed

Ragemode deserves props for posting good bait threads that aren’t political.

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Its wanting to be paid for our effort and the knowledge we invested. If it was stupidly easy I wouldnt care I was tipped 1 silver by that pvper, but it takes time and and money to get the skill and equipment to make the best stuff people want, and its not greedy to want to be compensated properly.

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Lol 50g is roadkill- literally what you get for picking up whatever trash you’d find on the side of a road somewhere.

50g is nothing, basically no tip at that point lol

Do you put pennies in tip jars?

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You spent 2 seconds clicking a menu.

Doing weeklies for knowledge?? SO MUCH EFFORT!!!

Of that $40 order, probably $6 or so of it was a “delivery fee” which is explicitly said does not go to the driver…it’s literally just free money the pizza place gets to make off you.

The reality is that tipped positions are still subject to minimum wage laws. If the worker isn’t making the minimum wage in tips, the employer is obligated to make up the difference. Tipping culture is getting so busted and absurd. Your JOB is to make deliveries. Why should you expect a tip? Your employer should be paying your wage and if you aren’t happy with it, then don’t do the job until the pay is where it should be.

Tipping a delivery driver should mean the service was above average. Not having your food tampered with and/or not putting it under the AC and/or not deliberately bringing it to you late is normal expected behavior so simply doing your job competently shouldn’t entitle you to bonus rewards. My role, as the customer, should begin and end at purchasing and receiving my goods or service. It is between you and your employer if the pay you received for your part in that transaction was satisfactory.

And yes, I do tip delivery drivers but I’m so bleeping tired of everyone having their hand out and the “appropriate amount” to tip getting more and more absurd on TOP of companies deciding to randomly add “convenience fees” to my bill to boot.

Edit - And for wow this means stating an upfront charge/fee to push your button and NOT taking jobs where the listed commission is too low for your time.

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I sort of agree…

Not sure why lawyers, doctors, architects don’t give their service and experience away for free as well. They have more than enough money. It literally costs them nothing to provide services, but they’re not likely afk in Valdrakken (or are they?)

you guys dont just make your alts craft stuff? whats this tip culture noise?
all my alts… have professions that support my mains. ggs.

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You are comparing something that required someone to study for 10 years.while spending a ton of money doing so to 2 seconds clicking a menu in a video game.

Yikes… Terrible comparison.

Nothing you’ve written proves so ,
But I guess if you repeat it enough then you are bound to believe it.

You are as clueless as they come.