Crafters saying “tip whatever you like” and rejecting orders when 50g is offered?

I tip between 5k-20k depending on the item


5k tip, 20k payment - this is my mindset.

Man of your word. Respect that.

so you think clicking two buttons is somehow worth 5k gold? oh sorry three buttons- accept, create, complete. it doesn’t even cost you any mats…*

(*I’m being “that guy” since y’all just seem to love that stuff. :popcorn:)


Haha yeah cuz taking parts to mechanic and asking him to fix it and saying I mean come on you didn’t even provide the matt’s it should be free is pretty normal.

Slaps popcorn out of posters hand!


Tip whatever you like!

waits for orders

edit: four hours later … still no orders … oh wait! There’s a public order up! snags it and fills it excitedly!

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When you go to a restaurant, you can tip whatever you like. But it’s socially unacceptable and even an insult if you tip a waiter 50 cents.

Be reasonable and learn some social etiquette


I typically tip around 10k if it is r5 and they offer recrafts. 50g is just being cheap


I tip 4000 gold and get it done

I mean I am firmly in the boat of a tip is entirely optional. If you want a fee, charge a fee. I’m tired of living in a country too where I’m expected to make up the employers sucky wages in an obligatory extra fee the person has every right to decide isn’t “good enough” and punish me for.

The “tip” stops having any meaning when it’s just downright expected. It was meant to reward service above and beyond normal expectations.

So sure, if I put in a 50G commission and it goes unfilled, that is on me. Don’t gripe and whine though that I’m being “cheap” if you chose to take my request on for the amount I said I wanted to pay.

Edit - That said, 50G by today’s standards is nothing. You can vendor grays for that much. I would consider a tip probably at least 500G or more and even that at a minimum. Still, I think people whining and “expecting” a tip are off their rocker. Just don’t take the job if what is being offered doesn’t match what you think you deserve for doing it.


So how does this effect BM hunters? I’m waiting for the op to tie it back to it somehow…

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Have you tried leveling a profession in Dragonflight? Or any expansion lol it’s a little more than just pressing a couple buttons.

Guildies get it for free but others it depends on the cost of the mats to make it and tip accordingly.

I just tell the people that want my weapons a firm 5k and 10k if they want me to use a skill consumable

Make it worth the time invested in the clicks, at least.

Being dishonest and saying nice things in the hopes of getting bigger tips isnt ‘nice’…


Tipping 50g and wondering why someone rejected it is taking advantage of someone’s services.

Tomato, tomatoe.


Just last night I gave a pizza delivery driver a $0.17 tip on a $40 order. I see nothing wrong with the OP’s statement.

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But you got 2 tacos from 25-miles away and Doordash had a $24 fee… so maybe apples and oranges. :wink:

It takes literally 2 seconds.

I’ve been making staves and codexes for free since the start of the xpac for people. I only charge if insights are requested since that requires my own personal mats.

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