Crafted Items should NOT be BIS

Why wouldnt you get the 639 haste/vers bracers?

well it was a hypothetical, but in my case: i don’t raid mythic and don’t have great vault luck :slight_smile:

As was mine. But thats what im saying, your crafted piece will lose out to a dropped piece. Meaning crafted gear cannot be BiS

but not every combination of secondary stats is available in every slot. right? or am i forgetting something? definitely possible.

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It’s possible and it’s almost complete. There are only just a few that were missing. which ends up being BIS craft for those reasons.

By this logic an item with the wrong stats for your spec should have lower ilvl specifically for yourself because it’s weaker. But it should show higher ilvl for a spec for which the stats are good. Otherwise you could just refuse to equip your better crafted embellished gear and equip bad higher ilvl item and pretend to be stronger than you actually are.

There is nothing wrong with crafted ilvl being slightly lower even if they are better. Stats budget is also not an argument since a chest piece has more stats than bracers for the same ilvl, meaning you can inflate your ilvl with low budget items. Ilvl is not an accurate representation of your power, even if you ignore crafted items and embellishements. Same goes with trinkets, many of them are super weak and provide the same ilvl increase for little to no power improvements. There’s so many other more flawed aspect of the ilvl debate it’s silly to die on the hill of “QQ crafted items too good”.

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Oh my, better buckle up for this one.


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Embellishments can make that more worthwhile though, especially in the really low value slots like bracers


No you’re right. But every secondary has a soft cap. And this becomes the aggravating part.

Gratz on your haste/vers tier gloves! Now you’re over your haste cap. Now crit has taken priority over haste. Time to replace that haste/vers boots with crit/vers

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I have 6. It’s really awful.


This is the dumbest thread lol. You’re only 4/8 mythic anyway and no, no one gives a single crap about how close you are to 639. Protip: you personally will not get there

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For real, this train left the station back in Vanilla. BIS crafted gear has ALWAYS been a thing. Lionheart Helm for instance. Legendary weapons required crafted mats. On and on. What is this nonsense thread even yapping about?


On the sim it does better because it’s unable to sim well the mana refund.

It’s like on QE where spymaster is ranked loow because it’s focused on healing potential.

You obviously don’t heal, so please don’t speak for us.

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That’s mathematically impossible because there are no items higher than 639 ilvl and crafted items cap at 636.

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oops, you’re right! i just double-checked. thanks for correcting :slight_smile:

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its 2 pieces of gear that are 3 IL off the max IL of gear. overall that contributes what 1 total IL for your character? that kinda sounds like it

2 crafted items bare minimum will always be BIS thanks to embellishments.

It’s 3/8ths of an ilvl, 9/16ths if you are using an embellished two-handed weapon and are not a fury warrior

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Hardly. You’re talking a handful of hundreds dps per item and at the end of the day you’re probably losing like… a thousand or two over pure crafted items which is nothing.

Go sim your character and switch out 636 crafted for 639 mythic. Trust me, you’ll shrug your shoulders the difference is so small.

Why not? You still have to do content to get the crests to craft the BiS item. It still requires doing the content to get.