Crafted Items should NOT be BIS

Not realy. It’s still just a pixelated game world at the end of the day. But some hardcores take it so seriously, you would think you just insulted their family legacy by handing them a crafted piece of gear. I mean, if it was good enough for DF S4, it should be fine for TWW Season 1. After all, weren’t all the M+ers asking for S1 to feel more like DF S4? This is what that looks like.

i don’t mind BiS gear coming from sources outside of a raid/dungeon or special questline…

but the entire forced crafted gear thing is kinda weird, and way too hands on’y of the dev team…but really, with Ion still in charge, that doesn’t surprise me anymore. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Embellishments make crafting relevant again across all gear levels, which is a good thing in my opinion.

Plus you can only have two of them, so they are very limited. Also, there are a number of slots like trinkets or just items with special properties that will make them outshine crafted items regardless.

It does not make sense for Blizzard to design itemization around the sense of enjoyment you get from seeing your item level displayed on third party add-ons such as damage meters.

my favorite thing about ion insults is that they don’t have to make sense. just through random words toget


don’t agree - a couple of pieces does not negate the effort put in for mythic plus and raids. Plus who the heck wants to have to farm bis entirely from instance content if you play a few characters.

If you play only one sure you might be able to do enough content each week to best RNG but it us extremely time intensive.

Embellishments alone will make it worth having 2 crafted, and if you dont mythic raid is practically the only way to get high ilvl so you get accepted into higher M+ keys. Might be moreso people want players with ilvls higher than what is needed.

:raise hand:
Would also mean they’d have to adjust droprates so those feel better but at the end for me still my favorite way to play the game. You play the game, get drops simple enough don’t need to complicate it.

Why can’t we have down vote button already blizzard?


The item level that shows up in the group finder is your bag item level not your equipped.

So you can show up as 639 even wearing some 638 if that means something to you.

They could remove the useless delta in item level too. That would also solve it.

We are upset with Ion now for providing am extremely powerful and deterministic loot source?

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Crafted pieces should be there to fill in the gaps when RNG screws you over, not serve as BiS. Keeps professions relevant while still making sure the strongest gear comes from appropriate sources.

Have no time for w/e nonsense you’re arguing for the sake of bringing yourself into a “conversation” where you ignore any replies and declare decisive victory while immediately being proven wrong with receipts.

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Sounds like you’re mad that 620 ilvl rets are owning you in keys with a crafted axe.

You guys are talking like it doesn’t take 90 gilded crests to create an enchanted gilded crest.

That is one very weird complaint. You wanting ilvl=high damage, but it doesn’t work that way due to secondary stats. Either way, it sounds like you’re pissed someone with three or less crafted gears parsed higher than you.

It’s certainly not fun farming a specific dungeon or raid again and again to get the specific gear. Good luck.

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guess bill gates needs another yacht!!! cubicle crawls lol

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Why is this a problem? Weren’t we complaining for a long time that crafted items were irrelevant beyond transmog purposes?

Good lord this is a stupid thing to be mad about.