have they made the mount sell able yet? i got 20 shards waiting
as far as I can tell, there seem to be a few ways to go about this:
form a 2x4 group and go ham on bees/wolves outside the meadery. be a skinner. drop rates 0.1-0.2%. that drop chance suggests 1 shard per 500-1000 mobs on average
farm rares. the rares seem to have 5% drop rates. of course, they have to be up when you are farming. i have gotten 2 this way.
do all of the activities on every main, alt, etc in dorn all the time. every mob has a drop chance.
farm the meadery and/or siesbarg mounts in dorn. similar to #3, each mob dropping wax or chitin has a chance (<=0.5%) to drop a shard.
solo mob farm just for the heck of it. bees/wolves work for this, but they are elites. if you are a skinner, this could be good. i got one shard this way leveling up my hunter. otherwise, look for tightly packed mobs that spawn fairly quickly: the murlocs off the coast south of fungal folly; the spiders northeast of kriegval’s rest (these are the siesbarg mobs); the mobs above kriegval’s rest (these respawn pretty quickly and are not elites, so quick kills). apparenlty there is also a cave with ship builders that I haven’t investigated yet.
as others have said, this is available for all of TWW, so if you do dailies/weeklies in dorn routinely, it is likely to eventually happen on its own.
People got a lot of shards from farming the pollen for Soaring Meader Bee. I know I kept joining groups well after I had gotten the bee mount because of the chain pulling of mobs.
Same with the Siesbarg mount where you had to farm the things to turn into the NPC.
Just being in Isle with tons of mobs helped with getting the shards to drop.
I can’t imagine farming the shards just from leveling.
Try spending hours on end farming on my DH and NONE drop at all! My son groups with me on his Mage and within 30 minutes he gets one, WTF? Again, HOURS farming and NOTHING in the way of shards. Though I did get the Bee mount and hundreds of thousand in gold from selling skins/herbs and items at the AH. I think this is VERY sad. I am on a high population server but still Blizzard needs to tune this beter on the drop rates, please? Thanks!
they need to buff the drop rate period
I got 3 shards leveling on day one. Didn’t spend much time at all on the island. Since then I’ve done dailies/weeklies, farmed all my skinning, done the bee mount, and maxed renown with not a single drop
im running out of toons to level to 80 and i farm every now and then and i have 1 single shard. i didnt even get a shard when i was farming for the bee mount or mass farming leather and scales. they need to increase the drop rate by like 6000x what ever number it is. every once and a wile someone shows up in dorn with it but otherwise i never see anyone on this mount really. i forget it exist since i only know 1 person with it.
I got 6 80s, i havent seen a single one
I got the mount in Early Access.
Maybe 7 farming Siesbarg, 2 farming the Bee and then 1 going back to the hyperspawn farm.
I am still getting one shard a week after I got the mount just from doing my weekly skinning for KPs - 6000x means I get 6000 a week so I would rather not
so 1 person is getting a bunch while everyone else is getting none…
other people have stated they are getting one a week as well - I just kill normal mobs in Dorn
Grand total of one since ex-pack drop. It’s really bad. But I don’t even care anymore, this game is buggy and those bugs need fixed more than this. Just adding to list that it’s happening to me too. (I have 12 80s)
i’ve been farming these shards yesterday and today - I have about 15 hours killing bees, wolves, spiders and I have no shards. If it’s the same for EVERYONE fine - but one of my guildies who has also been farming with me has gotten 3 shards, and I have none - that is not the same for everyone - and that is not fine. As it stands I’ll probably never get this mount because I’m an adult with real world adult things to worry and stress about.
I recently started farming spiders east side of isle and got 2 shards.
they nerfed bees/wolves hard. waste of time in my opinion
really, go to the cave I noted.
glad i farmed those day 1 then and got those mounts before blizzard took fun away
Do follower Dungeon Ara-Kara… wash/rinse/repeat
Tell me you don’t understand how random drops work without telling me you don’t understand how random drops work.
It’s the same for everyone. In that snapshot you provided, you’re unlucky and your guildmate is lucky. It’s no different from someone looting the Lich King 300 times before seeing Invincible and someone else looting it on their first kill. Same odds for both with each loot, one just got luckier than the other.
I’ve gotten 3 of these so far, but only real farming I did was a couple short stints skinning the wolves. Gonna really hit it when I level my last alt from 73-80. Been doing the equally fruitless torrential fragment farm on SI instead. Nearly 2 hours into that and only one drop (after first drop on the first thing I killed on SI). Time to go throw darts at my Daddy Blizz poster.