Crackling shard drop rates need to be restored

the idea that people were able to farm these shards early in the expac within a few hours and now they just don’t drop hardly at all is ridiculous.

as an experiment, i am leveling my hunter with just mob kills. i have gone from 70-78 almost entirely with that strategy.

I have had one shard drop. I don’t know how many kills that has been, but I have 9-10 hours played during this time. 1 shard.


No one farmed those in a few hours.


9-10 hours is a “few hours” in this game.

i know people who did that for sure.


You can still do that. Murlocs, spiders, pick your poison.


i seem to get 1 shard per 80 within the first 100 kills in dorngal. Not sure, i just need to get my 10th 80 killing stuff so i can summon this mount up ahha

I played early access, I have farmed everything in the game and then some, I purposely farmed hyper spawning enemies, I still go back and do quests in the zone and level up in the zone, I play a lot and have a grand total of zero shards.


Yep found one in well over 100 hours.

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Considering I saw people with that mount during early access, you’re not wrong.

I didn’t start leveling until the end of early access, which is when I got my one and only shard.

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One gives you inspiration and the hope for a brand new mount.

3 makes you sob inside.


Only had 1 shard drop, that’s it, looking at the numbers of some guys that posted numbers, they all had over 1k mob kills and god knows how many hours.

I’d like to get that mount but not that much lol, mount collectors are a special kind of obssesive

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It took me since launch to get 10 and the mount, the mount is so awesome she screeches when flying and its so pretty.

Im sorry you havent got the shards, but trust me there was never a point at which you could get these in hours, Some people might have had a horseshoe up their behind but I played since launch and only last week did I get the tenth shard, intrestingly once I combined them the very next kill (bee farming) dropped another shard.

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I’m sure all the comments on Wowhead about the farm spots that have been nerfed were just hallucinating their experiences, then. The spider area, the pre-phased Dalaran ruins area, etc all had decent droprates that were then heavily nerfed to the point of non-viability.

Due to the continued nerfs on “good” farms that have been found, I’m just only killing rares when I make an Isle circuit and waiting for those drops. Rares have a slightly higher chance to drop shards, and 6 of my current 7 since early access have all been drops from rares.

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Hyperspawn points and lots of farming. Yes, it could be done in hours. People had the mount in Early Access.

Im saving a few druid tanks level 70 to farm my last 2, get them some gear and masspull. Gotta take advantage of blizzards lovely scaling system

I farmed for siesbarg in the first two weeks and saw a grand total of 2 shards drop. The rate was never good.

maybe a good idea. i have other tank classes to level. maybe form a group with them from 70-72 and then go back to the next one at 70 lol

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Well theres your answer to the drop rates “early access” blizz was giving it to people who paid to get in on the ground floor.

Since early access there has never been “a few hours farming” for these

is this for the Alani mount I farmed and caught myself when it was relevant except this mount will never be as good as that?

It wasn’t “given” to anyone. They didn’t change the hyperspawns until well into launch.

Let’s not get crazy tin foil over this.

It’s in the same vein, yes, but the overall drop rate on Crackling Shards is far worse than Skyshards ever were which is essentially the point of the thread.

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