Crackling shard drop rates need to be restored

I’m not actively farming them and I see about 1 per week. Seems fine to me.

If you’re killing mobs on Isle of Dorn to skin them, it’s the dead mobs that drop the Shards, not the fact you’re skinning them.

Granted, I haven’t skinned in many expansions, but Crackling Shards are undoubtedly not a drop related to anything regarding professions.

Took me close to 18000 kills in that cave with the cultists ship builders and the nerubians to get all 10, had 1 drop from a rare bee to the east.

They are account wide and drop as I leveled each character. Sent all to one character and done.

How many characters?

Well, I managed 3 on my main and you need 10 so 7 other characters just got them while questing and leveling. Now six of those seven are eighty.

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why do you insist there is no bug? you can’t prove there isn’t and I can’t prove there is but it seems really strange that some people are having no problems and others are having problems with none at all dropping after 100k kills.

I’ve passively gotten 7 so far just joining Brazilian 2x4 skinning groups every other week for an hour or so. We’re killing over 500 mobs an hour though, to be fair.

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I’m not insisting there is no bug.

What I am insisting is that Crackling Shards don’t drop from anything related to professions, and if you’re getting them from Skinning, what’s actually happening is that the mob you killed in order to skin it dropped a Shard, and you’re conflating that with the Shard dropping from Skinning itself.

no I am not

I’ve never even seen a single one drop yet and I’ve killed many thousands of mobs so far.

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Okay. So this bug exists for you and only you. Got it. Enjoy the shards you’ve gotten from…skinning.

yeah you are nothing but a troll.

I no lifed the first week of the xpac, and i have 6 toons at level 80. I have seen one shard on my guardian druid. Just one. I always start in dorongal.

I recently finished this solo. From 5 shards to ten took me about 12 hours.

Super pretty mount! I’ll never kill another bee or wolf again tho I tell you that much.

Pretty miserable farm but it’s nothing compared to Raster of Guk! Or the angry goblin!

So do I, but I also make it a point to kill all the leveling rares. They seem to be what drops them for me more often then not.

I don’t think Crackling shards exist, just some rumor somebody started.

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I still havent gotten a single shard playing since release


I don’t have a single shard across 3 80s, one that spent EA gathering in Dorn and also did almost every single available quest so far and one leveled to 80 in Dorn through gathering. I also circled Dorn killing rares weekly until I capped renown. Not a single shard.


I only have two shards. Any tips for the best mobs/area to farm?