Crackling shard drop rates need to be restored

I’m of the opinion that if they are going to make a mount or anything else require the gathering of a bunch of items (like crackling shards) then they shouldn’t be a sub 1% drop, which these currently are. Even bumping them up to 1 or 2% would make a world of difference.

I got 2 so far

yea, the drop rate is way too low.

and some players were able to farm all the shards in a few hours cuz when TWW started if you took the quests at the intro quests at Dal crash site and then went farming mobs they had a very high drop rate.

Psure this drop rate was reported during beta testing and wasn’t adjusted until it was basically turned off later on.

Crackling shards exist?

The way I remember it blizzard didn’t change the drop chance, they just removed it from most of the easy to kill hyper spawning mobs that people were using to get it in just a few hours of grinding during early access.