Crackling shard drop rates need to be restored

Have you been using blue profession equipment with perception? The first time you got the two so easy was on a double gatherer.

Who says I don’t raid or do dungeons? I said I don’t do heroic raiding or very much Mythic+, but those don’t encompass all of the group-based play in the game.

Furthermore, I’ve done enough delves to nearly hit 60 on Brann and get Glory of the Delver . Delves don’t drop Shards. I have alts that don’t do anything on Isle of Dorn that I play. No Shards from them. Even the dual-gathering I do on Isle of Dorn doesn’t necessitate killing thousands of mobs, but even then I’ve gotten a few shards from that while ALSO making a good amount of gold.

To continue, there’s 4 zones in the expansion, and only one of them has Shard drops, so again, you’re speaking with someone who, outside of PVP and high-level group content, plays the entire expansion. So I’ve probably killed less mobs on Isle of Dorn than some of the people who have been specifically farming for the mount. I’ve gotten relatively lucky, but at no point aside from the Siesbarg farm did I spend any time farming kills, and those weren’t even for the Shards.

You chose to farm for a mount that you can only get via luck. That’s on you. I’m a mount collector myself. There’s a whole host of mounts that I still haven’t got because I’ve gotten unlucky while some people got the drop from their first kill. Complaining about drop rates doesn’t change anything, and if killing mobs for 7 days is that bothersome to you, don’t do it.

It’s one mount in a game with over a 1000, and we’re only 3 months into an expansion which will be current content for 2 years. Either deal with the grind, do something else in-game, or don’t play. Those are your only options that will result in something, otherwise you’re complaining into the void about issues you’ve brought upon yourself.

If people got it during EA, what the hell does that have to do with you? Those people paid their money (extra money), and spent their time to do that. If you didn’t, or couldn’t, or wouldn’t, that’s your choice. What they did had no impact on you, and aside from anecdotal reports that the drop rate was nerfed, even if that is true, so what? People essentially paid $20 to have an easier chance at a farmable mount that will be available in the same farmable state for the entire expansion and beyond.

The time you spent making these replies is time you could’ve spent farming, so I wish you the best of luck.

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I only have one piece of blue equipment, and I got that piece last week, well after I got the mount.

Also, you only get the shards from killing mobs. Gathering has nothing to do with it. My point is that most of my gathering was done on Isle of Dorn, so I passively got shards from killing mobs I encountered while gathering.

Perception might be increasing the drop rates on these. Because I got more drops on my double gatherer than other characters as well. I never had a problem with these was getting them fairly regularly and I thought they had increased the drop rate actually the last month but I switched to blue equipment with more perception about then.

Again, perception only affects the drop rate for rare materials from gathering. It has no effect on mob drops, so I’m a bit confused as to why you’re bringing up perception in this case. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding.

I scanned through this and I didn’t see any mention of how many hours you play.

Anyway, it’s too much to read for something I’m not invested in, why on earth did you type all that lol.

I might go back and read all of it if you post how many hours you play.

How many hours I play is a bit irrelevant because I didn’t spend all of those hours killing mobs on Isle of Dorn. A person could spend 10 hours doing nothing but farming and get the 10 Shards, or they could spend 1000 hours and end up with 0. The amount of hours played isn’t a reliable indicator of anything unless you know for certain how many of them were spent killing mobs on Isle of Dorn.

Some days I don’t play, some days I hit 10+ hours, and most of those hours are (or now, were) dual-gathering, mount farming, and transmog runs on alts. The only somewhat long period of time spent farming mobs was for Siesbarg, and that farm was completed in around 3 or so hours, and I got 1 shard.

Again, I can’t say this any clearer, I got the mount without purposefully farming for it, while also hitting gold cap from gathering, getting Glory of the Delver, getting some alts to level 80, getting this character to 619 iLvl, and doing most of the other expansion-related things that don’t involve killing a single mob on Isle of Dorn.

Your relative luck (or lackthereof) doesn’t indicate a problem. Hell, I just completed a Normal Nerub-Ar run on Monday, and Ansurek dropped the Sureki Skyrazor mount. Guess what? I already had the mount (which dropped on my first LFR kill of Ansurek), so I gave it to someone else. I got “lucky” twice, even though a second mount doesn’t mean anything. It’s RNG, and the only way you guarantee not getting it is not doing the content necessary to get it.

my druid is a double gatherer and the noob i am had no idea about gathering tools lol

I got 3 on day one and none ever since. The drop rate was definitely nerfed.

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Ahhh, another giant paragraph of lectures that are preaching to a choir.

Unfortunate. Still no time played data. Alrighty then.

Asking for data will squeeze even the most intellectual posters it seems.

Perhaps that is what is supposed to happen but bugs happen. All my gatherers when I increased perception the drops for the KP items increased.

You have been shorting yourself then - you get a lot more R3’s with the blue tools and the KP drop rate is increased as well (I have perception on them though).

I’ve had this character at 80 for 35 days and some change of played time, reached level 80 day 2 of EA, and I got the mount around a month ago.

That was literally the first sentence in my first post, which you responded to. So if you don’t understand basic English, you have significantly more issues than being a miserable crybaby over not getting a mount.


Crackling Shards are not KP items. You are apparently confused about the topic of conversation.

you play ON AVERAGE 10 hours a day…

just on that one character.

OF COURSE you have the mount.

my hunter got 1 shard in 13 hours of play time. at that rate, it would take me 130 hours to get the mount. at that rate, I could get the mount 6 times in the amount of time you have played.

stop pretending that shard drop is just “RNG” or that you were just doing “other stuff”.

840 hours of play time in 81 calendar days is an ENORMOUS amount of play time.

I hope you get paid to do it.

A few things, as I stated in prior replies.

  1. Most of those hours were not spent killing mobs on Isle of Dorn.
  2. The only way to get Shards are to kill mobs on Isle of Dorn
  3. Getting shards is entirely luck-based.

I work from home, my busy season for work (health insurance) is just gearing up, and I had a lot of free time. The fact that other people don’t have that luxury in no way impacts the drop rate of the Shards, or where they drop from.

Again, I’m not seeing what the issue is, nor have you or anyone else stated anything aside from, “the grind is too much and I don’t want to do it.” If EA people had an “advantage” (and that hasn’t been proven), so what? They paid for that advantage and spent their time for that advantage. You don’t have the ability to police other players’ behavior (or their wallets) anymore than they can yours.

Further, as I also stated clearly, most of my time was spent doing things that had absolutely nothing to do with getting the mount. Shards don’t drop from gathering nodes, nor Delves, nor dungeons, nor raiding, nor transmog runs, nor mount farms. All things which I spent more time doing (successfully) than specifically killing mobs on Isle of Dorn.

People bellyaching that they haven’t got a mount that’s from a grind that’s both voluntary and designed around the entire length of an expansion is beyond me.

I’ll repeat loud enough for even you to understand: if you don’t want to grind for a mount that can only be gotten from grinding (or being incredibly lucky), don’t do it. Blizzard isn’t forcing you, I’m not forcing you, God isn’t forcing you, nor is anyone or anything else forcing you. No entity, living or dead, cares about whether you have the mount or not, aside from you.


I am not confused.

Have you ever heard of something called a bug?

Okay. So you’re saying that you’ve gotten multiple Crackling Shards from gathering nodes?

I was getting these one a week pretty much just collecting my KP for skinning. It seems to be odd that people playing on double gatherers are having more success getting these shards.