Take your own advice seriously lmao
Got to love a “NO U” in the Year of Our Lord 2023. LOL
Hard to hate a giant fluffy bull who makes alot of cow puns.
Seriously bro I was just responding to a simple questions about how dramatically different taurens and NEs and you’re freaking out like you’re having a panic attack or something. Chill man lmao
No one is freaking out, Classic Andy.
an angry fel-tossing cow seems a lot scarier than any of the demons they summon. hell, i’d expect the cowlock to end up just chuckin one at me lol
the name possibilities though??? felbeef, fetlock, there’s so many to choose!
Not entirely correct - the term also applies to the Mag’har of Outland, who remained uncorrupted. And it would be just as odd to have one of them strike a deal with an imp.
And on its face, I agree. But Othaar the draenei was immediately referred to again as an eredar upon becoming a Warlock, in two different timelines. Tag him as a draenei warlock (given his thousands of years of shared history with fellow draenei), and suddenly I don’t have a leg to stand on.
I made a comment to this.
You responded
Making very little sense. When I called you out….
You basically freaked out over nothing trying to insult me, then told me to relax?
I told you to take your own advice cus it’s not a serious debate or discussion at all and you respond freaking out like
Are you genuinely okay? Take a deep breathe my man.
Tauren had their day in the sun when rogues were made playable. Let those other hoofed non-Tauren bask in the glow of GD for something finally not related to their waggle.
They use the same name, yes, but the playable Mag’har are very specifically the alt ones.
I don’t know who that is off the top of my head, but regardless, what I said remains unchanged. What sets the race designation is where the character comes from. They aren’t going to display “Eredar” on every warlock just because, as that would be mechanically silly.
Personally I think they should welcome back the Man’ari and just change the entire race name back to Eredar, but that’s neither here nor there.
Stop projecting your anger on to me, man. All I said was that Tauren and Night Elves both have a culture that reveres nature, but people seem mad about Night Elves rather than Tauren. Then you replied they get their power from their ancestors to which I corrected you to say Tauren Warlocks (the topic of this thread) would be getting their power from demons and Fel Magic so what’s your point. Then you got extra mad and started accusing me of your feels.
Get a clue
Hit the showers
Have ***
In fact, it always struck as odd that the AU Orcs took the same name, given that they weren’t really “founded” in opposition to their opposite “corrupted” Orcs. Mannoroth and Hellfire Citadel were barely blips on their radar, hardly warranted giving their entire race an extra moniker. They weren’t defined by decades of demonic conflict as the MU Orcs were.
That being said, it might be interesting to position their “Mag’har” branding as being in opposition to the Light’s influence rather than Fel.
Why not? I would love to see some cosmetic name tags just to appease the more neurotic among us. Wildhammer Dwarves, High Elves, Eredar, and so on… there’s no harm.
Socrethar. And yes, he joined the Legion. But certainly his millennia as a draenei should define him more strongly than a few days (or even a few years) as a Legion-affiliated eredar.
That actually is here and there. It would make this change palatable to many of those taking issue with it, regardless of your opinion of the legitimacy of theirs.
There was a time when Orcs were the same way with the elements, yet here you are kween, posting on a orc warlock.
Orc Warlocks being playable is indeed a contradiction of the lore (or it was until Cata). It has something going for it that most of these new combinations don’t, though: it is absolutely iconic. And it was already established that Orc Warlocks can and do exist.
But yeah, Tauren Warlocks can be a thing. It’s like Vulpera - they don’t even need a reason, because there’s nothing that would really preclude them from making that choice. It does dilute their cultural identity a smidge, though, but that’s a price worth paying for expanded options.
It is possible to be for expanded options and player choice while still acknowledging what combinations are problematic, however.
Also, a quick follow up to this whole “secret society” thing… do you honestly think that will stick? I fully believe that the next stable of writers will forget this distinction and diligently represent the playable roster of classes among the NPCs, just as they did for Orcs.
I’m the only one who thinks pandas should be off the table for warlocks, due to.lore and 0 connections, no love for panda either.
I am making a Lightforged Warlock to lap up all the hate they get. I already have her named saved and designed.
BUT A Moolock or a Mooselock is also very very tempting. I was one who was angered about no Mooselocks so this very much pleases me.
Guess I’ll make both.
That beef’s gone bad.
I support all races being warlocks. It’s a choice not a biological reality.
Cow Warlicks.