Where? Because I see Warlocks being treated with the same zealous rejection as any demon by the cultures that originated them. Did Thrall bring Warlocks out into the open to practice freely because, hey, they’re only dealing with demons for the greater good? Or did he hunt them down and have them killed?
Where has there been a distinction made between warlocks using fel magic and being aligned with the Legion?
I mean there was an entire organization of warlocks and allied demons opposing the Legion in, well, Legion. They had a class hall and everything.
Most cultures are highly prejudiced toward and uncomfortable with people using fel magic, with pretty good reason. That doesn’t mean they aren’t tolerated to some degree, and we have countless examples of warlocks being part of both factions armies and command structure.
Thrall specifically allowed warlocks to practice in Orgrimmar since Vanilla, albeit out of sight of most of the population. Players have only ever hunted down warlocks that are openly aligned with the Legion or doing something objectively evil of their own volition.
At Burger King
Watch it or you’ll be the next one to be flame broiled.
i think the best outcomes of this is the CowLocks and the NelfLocks
And they were forced into secret.
Mag’har and Draenei cultures not being among them.
Thrall allowed a singular Warlock to live - Neeru - such that he would act as an oblivious informant on the Shadow Council and the Searing Blade. When we get names from Neeru, we are dispatched to kill their leaders. And I’m sure that isn’t the only time we’re killing “unaffiliated” (an arguable term) Warlocks.
If these combinations were as congruent with the lore as Orc Warriors, Human Hunters, or dozens of other examples, we simply wouldn’t be having this discussion.
If these combinations were congruent with the lore, Blizzard wouldn’t have had to add flavour text to justify them at all.
If these combinations were congruent with the lore, they would have frankly been playable since day one of those races being playable.
Again, I’m all for them. The more player choice, the better. But let’s not kid ourselves about them making perfect sense.
And on that note, back to the topic: Highmountain Tauren and post-Cata base Tauren make perfect sense as Warlocks. This was long overdue for them.
With the races that are going to get the Warlock class, it’s my goal to level each Warlock race to level 60 for the Heritage Armor Sets.
Yes, as pretty much every warlock in history has been.
As any Mag’har or Draenei warlocks presumably would be.
The Shadow Council and the Burning Blade were working directly to destabilize Orgrimmar, so they fall pretty securely under my “doing something objectively evil of their own volition” qualifier.
I’m not kidding anything. They make perfect sense.
It’s funny that you use human hunters as an example, when they were not “available from day one” as you put it. And yet I don’t think anyone would argue that they’re odd in any way.
Indeed. It was an oversight on Blizzard’s part, and a deliberately used example on mine. Much like our Highmountain Warlocks here, they should have been here since day one. As for the rest of this discussion, I’ll simply say that you (and many others) have an interesting interpretation of this particular slice of the legendarium and leave it at that.
As should warlocks of any race, since the “culture” rule has always been irrelevant to them.
You can say what you like, but I’ll keep pointing out that anyone saying this breaks lore does not understand the lore they claim is being broken.
Have it your way
And that’s a fair argument to make. I simply maintain that when a culture is as defined by their relation to demons as Mag’har and Draenei, you simply cease to be a member of that culture. They’re just Orcs and Eredar, plainly. They have no claim to their culture, even if they’re using demons for “the greater good.”
There can be multiple interpretations without either side being “wrong.” And that’s okay.
I didn’t say anything about Warlocks.
I guess it’s because we’ve seen felcows before. Lol
Well stop trying to create off topic conversations.
I was replying to you saying NEs and Tauren are practically the same. Lmao.
Mag’har are specifically the orcs that came from Alt-Draenor, Draenei are specifically the population of Eredar that fled from Argus in the initial Legion takeover, and Lightforged are a combination of Draenei that choose to undergo the trials and Eredar that stayed to fight.
The racial designation more accurately identifies what culture they come from, not that they remain in and/or are approved of by those cultures.
No, your inability to process the English language is what you were responding too. All I said is why it seems more people have an issue with NE warlocks than they do Tauren when both revere nature as a part of their culture. Relax.