Cow warlocks

Bad beef bad beef. Watchya gonna do when they come for you?


Oh yea it’ll be to spite and to have fun 100% gonna love this

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I mean… it might be for Lightforged and Mag’har.

It might have been but I’m pretty sure Blizzard just confirmed it’s not by releasing the expanded race-class combos.

Some people just need to realize its a gameplay choice to allow players more options on races with classes. It has nothing to do with lore.

I cowboyed for my father starting at age 12. Kept it up until age 18 when I enlisted in the U.S. Army. Went to Vietnam, came back and got into Officer’s Candidate School Made it through that and was sent back to Vietnam. Spent a total of 13 years serving my country.

When I left the military I attended Seminary in Austin, TX. Worked in the ministry for almost 7 years. I decided I’d rather teach High School. I did that for just over twenty years Had to retire due to a bad heart.

So, why am I telling you this? 'Cause in all that time I’ve never seen anything more stupid than a cow. Except, maybe, a chicken. Don’t, not ever, no never let cows be warlocks.

I dont see the issue with Nightborne. Their haughty, arrogant attitude is perfect for the class. I guarantee you a not-insignificant number of them would enslave the remnants of the Legion’s forces in Suramar just to rub it in. Many of them are a bit power obsessed as a biological requirement at this point.

I suppose. I just have a hard time believing that any of them that were Warlock-inclined wouldn’t have already been thriving in Suramar with their brethren.

Yes, PLEASE do this. One, it’s a better attempt to explain the combo than the current absence of an attempt, and two, it would actually make sense. Just add some red skinned options along with it and make that mandatory for warlocks and I imagine the vast majority of people taking issue with the combo would be absolutely fine with it.

You don’t even need to make it mandatory.

Maybe make red exclusive to Warlocks and maybe Death Knights.

There’s no retcons needed to explain your possible existence within the bounds of magical and or cosmological forces that oppose each other.

Tauren originally disliked the Belves because of the scent of fel on them. But I don’t really have a problem with Tauren warlocks.
LFD and Mag’har get focused cause they’re the only problem, and it really wouldn’t hurt to just not give it to them.

Won’t be making a Tauren lock though. Don’t know why, just can’t get into playing one, despite actually really liking the race overall.

What if they let you look like this?

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If this is a customization option for HMT locks, I’ll race change yesterday.

I feel like that’d be better for the eventual tauren DHs.

Warlocks don’t really cause physical corruption in the same way DHs do.

Tauren are like Native Americans, and some tribes like the Navajo believe in dark shaman. Tauren warlocks totally work.

I know they do. I wasn’t arguing they didn’t.

Glad you understand. Night Elves aren’t like that.

No, they are much more magically attuned. It actually fits better.

Nope, because their entire culture is connected to tree-hugging and worshipping the Moon. Native American culture actually has room for dark shaman, unlike Night Elf culture. Just because a race is more magically attuned doesn’t make it any more likely to practice fel magic. It makes it more likely to practice the magic included in its cultural environs. I can see Night Elves continuing to spam annoying nature spells as boomkin. I can’t see them being warlocks.