Cow warlocks

minions better be called Demoons, or i’ll sulk.


Lightforged are the only ones that seem out of place to me simple because of how they are made. The rest are ok as anyone no matter the culture can decide to trade their soul for power.

It’s far more lore breaking for these Allies to be together for years and not have any of them be curious and want to learn.

Which brings me to, we should be able to name our minions. :dracthyr_uwu:

I’m not gonna lie, I got so caught up in the Eredar thing I forgot about fel cows, and that’s just awesome.

Indeed. Highmountain were one of the few lore friendly Warlock races around. Certainly moreso than Nightbourne.

I mean, they are, but it doesn’t matter. More options is always better.

True, but they’re not.

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Taurens arent stuck to trees and moon gods, they get their power from their ancestors and being 9 foot tall minotaurs.

Well no Tauren Warlock’s would get their powers from Demons and Fel Magic like Night Elf Warlocks. What’s your point?

The terms “Mag’har” and “draenei” are mutually exclusive with entering into dealings with the Legion. It’s a niggling detail, but a detail nevertheless. Is it an important detail to have the UI properly categorize your character? Well… ask all those Void Elves that just wanted to be High Elves. It’s going to depend on personal preference.

And again, bring on the combinations. I’m just not going to pretend that they’re entirely unproblematic and just as simpatico with the lore as an Orc Shaman or Dwarf Warrior.

No, they’re not.

And being a warlock doesn’t mean “entering into dealings with the Legion”.

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Bruh you referenced Heavyweights lemme hug you

At their core, both terms boil down to “not affiliated with demons.”

Is that a distinction you think would be made in-universe?

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It’s usually in the context of how it doesn’t make much sense for Mag’har or Lightforged Draenei don’t make sense as warlocks.

There’s an entire tribe of Tauren in Legion who are all collectively smoking the Devil’s Lettuce behind school during history class.

They did fight alongside Demons against the Burning Legion and one of their own (referring to their army) is a Demon (or rather they thought he was a demon)

Plus giving them some lore wouldnt hurt considering the events on Argus highlighted that the beings of the light arent exactly saints themselves and easily as corruptive. Not to mention their counterpart in the AU with which the Horde alone is at war with.

Not really. Mag’har means “uncorrupted” and wielding fel magic doesn’t automatically corrupt you with it. Draenei just means “exiled” which has nothing to do with being a warlock or not, just refers to the ones who refused to accept Legion rule. The Legion is essentially a political entity - they don’t lay claim or responsibility for an entire type of energy that can be used by anybody.

It’s been made already.

[moos with fel intent]

That’s a colorful statement.