Covid is NOT over

It’s really amazing how many people seem to not understand how both major political parties in this country are tied into big money. There was a time when you could say Republicans were the party of big business and Democrats were the party of the working person, but that was a long, long time ago. Money runs the show now, more than it ever has.

Honestly, this really does go a long way. I had a few years when I was pretty out of shape, and my excuse was having kids/family/not having time. Once I started going back to living healthy (IE eating right, working out, etc) I felt 10 times better overall.

The bigger issue is when people with underlying conditions get sick, there’s not a ton they can do but stick it out. It broke my heart to lose a friend who had prior heart issues, of which he’d had since birth. Whether it was the vaccine he’d recently taken, or COVID itself, that caused his heart to finally give out, we do not know, nor would the doctor confirm for obvious reasons.

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Also, let me explain something to everyone reading this. I will give you examples that you can google yourself (you won’t need to go into scientific journals for this). I’m currently a student in a medical program.

Right now - all your cereals are laced with poison. They contain the active ingredient in roundup - glyphosate. It’s not a matter of “if” it will give you cancer - it’s when it will do so. What is the FDA’s response to this? “A small amount of poison won’t hurt you.”

Almost all your non-organic vegetables are laced with the same poison. This is why it’s important to eat organic. This is also why you may have people who think they’re eating healthy end up with Leukemia or some other form of cancer. The same response from the FDA.

Elevated amounts of aluminum/heavy metals if your deodorant are linked to cancer. What is the FDA’s response? “Oh you get a small amount of aluminum through your environment so this won’t be harmful to you”

Then they (FDA-CDC, etc) use (fake) biased studies done on rats with the conclusion of “no significant change.” The sociopathic lobbyists promote these biased studies and they make them the standard - whereas you have independent studies telling you how harmful things like MSG, GMO foods, etc are to the body.

But these are the sociopaths the majority of the population bow down to for their health advice. They are corrupt at the highest levels and only care about money.

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Nobody wants to wear a mask. They’re uncomfortable and they suck. But wearing a mask isn’t about you, it’s about the people around you.

The pandemic has just shined a giant spotlight on the fact that most people couldn’t give less of a crap about anybody around them. Wearing a mask could prevent someone from getting sick, or even save someone’s life, but people would rather cry about “MUH RIGHTS!!” and cough their germs all over everyone around them than be mildly inconvenienced for 15 minutes.

Anti-maskers should be thanking whatever deity they worship that this pandemic wasn’t more deadly, because they’d be the first to be extinct while bragging about their awesome immune systems as they die.


Cut back on sugary drinks.

Carbs are okay if you eat with fiber and do some small exercises throughout the day.

Also breathing techniques help a lot!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Actually, this is a strong and hard disagree. Back in 2020, here in Sydney, someone caught Covid from another person, despite both people wearing a mask. Give me a while, gonna go search up and look for the news article of it. But basically, mask wearing doesn’t prevent transmission, it just lowers the risk, same with vaccines.

I can vouch for this! It’ll seem silly to those that haven’t utilized them, but it’s great for calming the mind and getting things done

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So just because something isn’t 110% effective we just shouldn’t do it? Should things like condoms and contraceptives be pulled from the market as well?

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Cool, that’s wonderful non-scientific or medical anectodal information. Good for you.

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That is not what I am saying. Please don’t twist what I said around.

Those are the people that bother me the most. Authorities in our country already came to the conclusion afterwards, that big lockdowns where even schools had to close, actually led to nothing and were completely unnecessary. They did even more harm.

I’m working at after school daycare at an elementary school and it’s just horrible what happened to all these kids that had been prohibited to go to the kindergarden/pre-school and are now in first/second grade. They have a lot of movement disorders, can’t even handle scissors properly and it’s noticeable that there are several first-graders who have problems with controlling their… eh… toilet behaviour, so to say. Don’t really know how to describe it in english, sorry. Most of them show a complete lack of frustration tolerance and have problems to properly get in touch with others.
Even the older children suffered a lot of mental health issues and fell behind because they had to stay at home again and again.

I remember the very first lockdown in spring of 2020. Schools and daycare had been closed for weeks and then we were allowed to open up again - but just for emergency childcare, for example when both parents were required to work in “critical infrastructure”. Those few kids that were there were forbidden to play together and the toys we had there were also prohibited. So after school they had to stay 4-5 hours in daycare but all they had was a toy or some pencils they brought from home and they couldn’t play with anyone, just talk to some other kids with a distance of at least 2 meters. This was the cruelest thing and me and some of my colleagues really thought about quitting our jobs at that time. Actually right now we have a big shortage of childcare workers because tons of them quit during the hard Covid times.

Then what are you saying? You’re seemingly doubting mask effectiveness because people can still get sick.

Unvaxxed. Don’t mask. Don’t segregate myself. Haven’t had covid even once. Counselor I see regularly has had it 4 times now, including being sick during our visits, and she’s fully vaxxed and boosted. Family members with vax and boosts have had it multiple times. By the way, unless you’re wearing a respirator, you’re just virtue signaling. Masks do not work to stop virii. And “stopping spittle” to “protect others” isn’t protecting anyone because your breath, and the virus, still exits the mask. But y’all feel free to get your “social scores” higher. lol

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Wait, I misread what you posted at first. Sorry, I apologize. Give me a break, it is 3.30am and I am struggling to even find a single wink.

Problem here that people believed that by wearing a mask, they’re protected from flu/cold. But I think that way they’re hurting the immune system. In China, you’re pretty have to wear a mask and there was small out break in a town, that town is locked down with their zero covid policy. Covid is here to stay but it has weaken enough to be a cold but I feel everyone is so afraid of getting sick they’re willing to wear a mask or stay home away from everyone and I don’t find it to be healthy at all.

Thoughts and prayers.

I just want this stupid pandemic to over now. It’s not gonna be over for another 2 years.

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Anything that can help reduce stress is great. We have so much stress in our day to day lives, more than we even consciously realize, and it is a killer. Stress can do some crazy things to you, and instead of trying to relieve it, we have amped it up and have people living in literal fear of something that they should not be hiding under a rock from. I think some people are making it tougher on themselves and don’t even realize it.

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N-95 masks must be fitted by a Medical Tech in order to work right…just buying a damn N-95 mask and sticking it on your face isn’t going to work correctly…might as well not wear the damn thing for all it will not protect you.

Tbh I think you could apply that statement to many current events lol

N-95 masks must be fitted by a Medical Tech in order to work right…just buying a damn N-95 mask and sticking it on your face isn’t going to work correctly…might as well not wear the damn thing for all it will not protect you.

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