Covid is NOT over

I must have had it once. My wife donates blood and she had the antibodies in her system when they tested her blood. We both had what we thought were allergies for about 3 days. I think that’s when we had it. It was almost as bad as a cold.

Sorry, no. I’m not going to respect science deniers. I won’t call you names or anything, but there’s no way I’ll ever respect you.

Sorry, but facts are not a personal attack.


I’m honestly curious, as I didn’t scroll up. What science were they denying? I saw that they didn’t get the COVID vaccine. Is that what you’re referring to?

We’re “science deniers” for not getting vaccinated? Isn’t that being a “personal choice” denier?

To be honest I don’t really have much sympathy for the adults that willingly got jabbed + boosted with this experimental/unknown substance. That they keep getting Covid “a 3rd or 4th or 5th time” (…or even just keep getting sick in general) is their own fault at this point, you didn’t “have” to mess up your immune system by getting the shot(s) in the first place

However, I do feel sad for the children that don’t really get a choice with the parents having them injected against their will. They don’t really have any say in the matter, and it’s really sad that they will probably have a shortened lifespan and grow up with various health problems (the long-term side effects are still unknown)

Children are innocent and didn’t do anything to deserve it. When I read a story about a (perfectly healthy/non-obese) 17 year old kid suddenly dropping dead of a heart attack during high school football practice - that kind of stuff is just heart-breaking regardless of what I might think of the dummy parents behind it :worried:

Regardless of which walk of life you come from, one thing remains true: you only get one body, if you mess it up (say… by being a human guinea pig and injecting experimental substances) you don’t get another one


I’ve had every vaccine, booster and flu shot I’m eligible for throughout this thing, and I’ve never had Covid or any Covid-like symptoms.

I have an older sister who never got any Vax and did catch Covid. Twice. She was extremely sick both times. Supposedly, catching it naturally once will give you greater immunity since you develop your own antibodies in the natural course of things to protect against future infection. I guess her body didn’t get the memo.

My sister’s husband who initially was anti-vax until an entire family among his relatives all came down with it. None of them had gotten the shot, and the virus hit all of them so hard that it scared my bro-in-law into going ahead and getting vaxxed. It paid off, as he hasn’t been sick, despite being in the same house with my unvaxxed sister who has twice had the virus.

I remember seeing a couple videos of people seemingly clinging to life in hospitals, holding handmade signs saying “get the shot!”

Some people get it and nearly die, where others get it and hardly flinch. Experiences seem to vary a lot with this thing.


Not sure lol That’s why I asked

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Your family’s experience doesn’t speak for everyone. I got sick with it at most for a week and it just felt like a flu with a really bad headache. I felt better when the week was done and I’m perfectly fine.

It didn’t scare me into getting vaccinated any more than the actual influenza would have.

Even back in March 2020 I figured that if it was in the US, then it must have been circulating for a good while already. CDC statistics on unidentified flu-like viral illnesses suggested October 2019 or so, and later detection of antibodies in donated blood suggests September.

I knew from the very beginning that it was already endemic and that we had absolutely zero chance of eliminating it. Lockdowns were not only unethical, but also useless because real case counts were likely already on the decline.

Now the economy is collapsing because people gave in to fear instead of doing the research.

Not to say that it can’t be cause for concern, of course; I do acknowledge that it can be rough in some people. But our methods for combatting it were nonsensical and extremely destructive.


If you had bothered to actually read through my entire comment before rushing like your backside’s on fire to ‘enlighten’ me, you’d have noticed the following:




Dracen. Dude. Take your trollish dark energy in some other direction besides towards me.


I love being mischaracterized as a troll. It’s so easy to deal with.

After watching 30 seconds of that video


My oldest has a Meeseeks machine lmao. I bought it for her years ago, to which her response was to chase me around the house spamming the button that makes it go “I’M MR. MESEEKS, LOOK AT MEEEEEEE”

Ok boomer

I imagine the Astrazeneca incidents here in Europe at least scared a lot of people away from the vaccines. Biontech and Astrazeneca were the first vaccines to arrive here and because Biontech was more expensive and not available in that much quantities, Astrazeneca was recommended for all younger and middle-aged people. We were told that both vaccines are perfectly fine and safe - and then it happened suspiciously often that young women got a rare form of thrombosis in the head and died after they got Astrazaneca. These incidents were national news, so no fake news bullcrap from some anti vaxxers.
Immediately the government banned it for a while and then the recommendations suddenly switched to “it’s more appropriate for people that are older than 60”. A few months later the Astrazenca vaccine vanished from the market completely, so it’s no surprise that there are a lot of concerns.

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I have chronic health issues to begin with so I’m naturally wary of any new medical technology that could potentially add new variables to worry about.

What put me off was the way all the jabs were marketed. Instead of just making them available, the government and corporations relied on intense social and financial manipulation. That alone raises many red flags.

The person you’re replying to said this:

You, sir, are the evil human being. I can’t believe you typed up something so foul and I don’t care how healthy you claim to be, your soul is not.


Not only that, but I would recommend everyone be extra careful/extra vigilant simply driving around over the next few years with so many jabbed folks on the roads

There is no way to predict when they are going to suddenly pass out at the wheel, have a heart attack, stroke out, have a bout of intense dizziness, etc. Ever since the jabs had their mass-roll out in 2021 I have been seeing scattered reports of a truck or bus driver “suddenly passing out” at the wheel while the vehicle is moving :grimacing:

There have also been some reports of airline pilots “suddenly passing out” or “having a medical emergency” in the cockpit while flying, but fortunately most airliners have 2 pilots so the other pilot was able to take over the flight controls… not nearly as dangerous as in the case of the typical 1-driver large truck or large/heavy bus

Fortunately these have mostly been low-speed crashes/accidents so far, and luckily for the bus drivers that suddenly died at the wheel they were only travelling at 20-30 MPH (basically city streets) so thankfully no one was seriously unjured. I can’t imagine the carnage that could possibly ensue should say, a jabbed semi-truck driver suddenly die at the wheel while going highway speeds :eyes:

On a somewhat related note, I would avoid anything that could possibly require you to need having a transfusion of blood (at least until all this blows over). As far as I know, they don’t really “label” or “separate” vaccinated blood donations from unvaccinated blood donations. And you don’t want to be on the receiving end of whatever nastiness is floating around in the vaccinated blood donations, for the sake of your health