Covid is NOT over

Sorry to hear. Hopefully things get better for you.

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I see lot people wearing mask lately…its almost like a cult.

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With all these mask mandates, you’ll think people will go on a mugging spree.

2 months ago or whatever, Biden said it was over

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I mean… it’s their choice, I don’t mind if they do it. Heck, I would even appreciate it if people were always wearing masks when they’re a bit sick and get into a bus or a shop.
What I find a bit weird are people who are driving alone in their car while wearing a mask. Or going for a jog in the park with a mask. :smile:

Here we just have to wear masks in doctor’s offices/hospitals, retirement homes and busses/trains, which kinda makes sense.

As someone who lives in Far North Queensand, Australia, I must ask…what is this COVID you speak of? Can we eat it?

Speaking of mask mandate, I guess HHS want us to wear mask again or to be encouraged… there some who wanted covid to continue to big issue.

The mask mandate was lifted where I’m from, it’s only like hospitals and shih that make us wear mask. However, I be seeing people who are sick and coughing who should clearly be wearing a mask, but people will be arrogant jack**es

Like I hate wearing mask, but it’s dipwads like them that force me to have to wear it because of their own stupid decisions

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The arrogance on this one is astouding.

Umm, the guy doesn’t even know what day of the week it is. I’ll pass on his word, lol.

I know its their right but lately its been bothering me.

I hate wearing mask too.

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I don’t get why people hate Thallia so much, she just point out the logic of things and apparently that makes her toxic.


I remeber back when vaccines actually worked.


Some middle of the road takes that I think we could all agree with on some level, even if it’s the most basic:

-Masks actually aren’t a terrible idea for when one is sick in public, COVID only brought that fact to light
-Vaccines should undergo more testing before being used on people, but modern medicine is indeed a powerful tool, and a necessity
-Medical concerns shouldn’t divide a country simply based on opinions, but rather, cause us to come together to find a middle ground where we can become stronger as a whole

Yeah, my company was one of the first to send everybody home when the pandemic started, 2-3 weeks before any government even said anything, and since then we went full remote (we don’t even lease an office any more) since everybody did so well with remote work and it had become clear that covid wasn’t going away.

I used to spend at least an hour or two just getting to and from work which seems unimaginable now, and the ability to get little chores like laundry done during breaks is great. My desk setup at home is tens of times better than the one I had at work too.

Not looking to move on from my current job in the near future, but when I do it’ll be for either another full remote job or transitioning from full-time employment to independent (and also full remote) contracting… not gonna step into an office ever again if I can help it.

Viral load doesn’t get talked about enough in all of this. Regardless of vaccination status, one’s immune system is going to be able to deal with a small handful of viral particles much much better than it can a whole freaking cloud of them. It’s like the difference between trying to catch 1 baseball and 1000 baseballs… one you have a good chance of catching, the other you’re just gonna get pelted.

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I am sorry to hear that. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way, even though I realize that does not actually fix anything.

My sibling is still struggling with long term effects, my niece is a kid, but it was months before she got her stamina back after getting it. Impacted all her summer sports. Good friend just got it on a business trip out of country and he is high risk. Also vaccinated for COVID, pneumonia, and flu given his risk status. He was very very sick and is still exhausted, but did not end up in the hospital so that was a victory.

I have been doing the whole “keep your hands away from your face and wash them before touching food/face” thing for years. I had to travel extensively during the Swine Flu/SARS outbreaks so my routine changed to being SUPER careful about where my hands are and washing them extra, esp in an airport. I STILL do it. I use the wipes on my shopping cart, wipes on my hands when I get back in the car, wear my mask now that I can do it without people thinking I am a weirdo. Mostly I am vaxxed and I don’t leave the house much though, so that helps!

Best thing to come out of this whole thing is flexibility in work places. Working from home at least part time makes all the sense in the world now. Saving hours of commute time, fuel, car wear and tear. That time means extra sleep, time to prep and eat healthy foods, time to exercise, time to spend with family. All positive things.

Feel better OP! I hope you are going to be able to play Dragonflight come Tues. If not, it will be there when you get well enough.


It’s interesting…just about everyone I know that’s been vaccinated has gotten COVID and also felt worse off - memory issues - after getting it. I haven’t gotten the shot and I haven’t gotten it once…feel great actually.

Also, I know people that just got the flu shot…guess what? Majority of them got a really bad flu like 2 weeks later. I haven’t gotten a flu shot for like 8 years and 0 flu.

Damn, I hope you feel better soon

big pharma owns both parties. doesnt matter who wins. if voting actually mattered it would be illegal. both parties will continue the neoliberal policies weve had for decades now

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It is a cult at this point. These people have been fed so many conflicting stories that they have just given in and seem to feel that they should live in a John Travolta like plastic bubble.

Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask. Lockdown, don’t lockdown. Trump says we will have a vaccine in a year and it is mocked as pie in the sky thinking, selling false hope, etc. Then we do get a vaccine, that isn’t a vaccine, but more of a mitigator, for a short time anyway, and it is the greatest thing ever. It goes on and on and on. Billions to big pharma, terrible consequences for small businesses, kids who were isolated, families who were divided.

There is so much that is wrong about how this has been handled, and you still have people who think that things should be shutdown, etc. Try to live a healthy lifestyle. Try for a little prevention, and you’ll be amazed at how well it works. As for the shot itself, if you are old, if you are unhealthy, go ahead and get it. But otherwise, it’s not something you need to be rushing into. And masks, wear them if you want, or don’t. Whatever makes you feel good.