Because we were told the vaccine would make us immune to the disease, which was a lie. It does almost NOTHING to prevent the spread of Covid. What it DOES do is lessen the impact it has on your body when you eventually do get it, which in and of itself is more than enough reason to get vaccinated. Unless you want to roll the bones and hope you don’t die from it, then that’s up to you, too. But don’t be mistake, the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting anything.
LOL maybe I should have excluded the Family ting …
No we weren’t.
I can’t listen to ppl who refuse to get the shot.
Nope. We were told that it would lessen the effects of the virus, not that it would provide us with full immunity. That was sort of the best that science could offer on the fly at the time.
Yup. Vaccines are proven over the course of decades… this one came out in a couple months. The whole population is the beta test for it.
Masks should always be voluntary and most masks, like the bandanas and balaclavas many people were wearing are not effective at stopping Covid per the CDC.
I just sent a video to my mother of a joke we played with the turkey and the neck.
She is a vegetarian. I’m sure she will be thrilled.
I got the shot, nearly killed me. Never had Covid. Kids got it , shrugged it off. I am the old guy , I would still get the shot … but it is NOT a one size fits all thing.
Le gobble gobble!
Yes is a lie, no actual medical person would say that they are 100% effective and without side effects.
Not enough people got it at the beginning to stop the spread.
Same thing with masks… It takes almost everyone to do it for to work. That’s why the unvaccinated are treated with such disdain because we had a shot and we blew it.
And even though I don’t hate people who are anti-vaxers I definitely judge you harshly
I’m sorry you struggled with it. I know not everyone can for medicinal reasons.
I’m always missing context. I’m thinking of the weirdos who just refuse.
I’m glad you’re okay.
Masks are voluntary in Japan too, but people wear them as a politeness to not get others sick around them because taking a sick day in Japan is extremely looked down upon.
But people should now and should have been wearing masks during cold and flu season in the US for a long time now as a politeness because getting sick sucks. They just chose not to.
I was supposedly already spreading since 2019, before the vaccines were even around.
Just wait till the tribulation era. It will make the last two years look like a runny nose.
Where are my nachos!?!?!?
It’s interesting that people in Asia wear masks even if they have a mild cold out of respect for those around them.
Only here in America do we have people making mask-wearing into a political issue and “but muh freedom!!!” It’s funny that all the supposed badasses that say things like “I have an immune system lol” are the same ones that cry about how they can’t breathe if they have to wear a mask for 20 minutes in the grocery store.
oof that sucks. hope you feel better soon!
Thanks! I’m healthy enough now to kill it in WOW