Covid is NOT over

Everyone is going to get it eventually. I think it’s cloth masks have been proven that they’re ineffective?

In my country it was even stated publically by the news and by responsible health care people that this kind of management led to huge confusion with actual Covid numbers. They actually did it, yes. There was no real distinction between “died with covid” and “died because of covid”.

In Germany when we call in sick and get some sick days, we need to go to the doctor and get a yellow piece of paper - one for our employer so he has proof that the employee is ill and can’t work. And one needs to be sent to health insurance with a specific code that states what’s the issue. I’ve been sick with a normal cold in the last years since Covid and each time when I got this piece of paper and got tested negative in the doctor’s office, there was the code for Covid on it. So I added +2 to the Covid statistics, despite never even having been sick with Covid.

I’ll get the marshmallows

No nachos in this thread.


-A lot of the US population, sadly.

They didn’t and still don’t care about getting other people sick. Had to make it about themselves instead of others. I live in the US and it was pretty painful to see, but it was unfortunately not unexpected considering the overall climate of the country.



mutes chaosnachos

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Yes, we were. We were told many different things in a very short span of time that conflicted with each other. It’s why so many people were nervous to get it in the first place. You can re-write history in your brain all you want to, but I remember the reality of what actually happened.

Do people who don’t get the shot run up to you and start talking to you about it at random? I don’t understand your comment. How often does that actually affect your life?

That is one of the things we were told. We were also told it would prevent the spread. It’s why WHO came out two months ago and apologized for the misinformation and requested amnesty due to the unknown circumstances of Covid at the time. Not really sure why you people are re-writing history rofl

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Oh noooo!
You’ll have to be house-bound for DF release! :frowning:

Wishing you a swift recovery.

No, we weren’t.

I have no doubt that YOU were told by people you listen to that “we were told” that. But we weren’t.


And I don’t understand your question.

It was. It was amazing how fast we got 2 working vaccines. It also helps prevent mutations.

Now we’re endemic and we have to live with it like the flu.

Hardly the end of the world but it can always mutate to a more dangerous strain at any point… And we’ve got to live with that

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I wish was the video of where the fly is on his head.

Fly 2024!

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I don’t know where you got your medical license, but as a Doctor who graduated from the University of Not-a-Real-Thing myself, I heartily concur.

That climate is because politicians on both sides of the aisle are stoking the fires. It means they stay in power even if it means destroying the country.

This is why term limits are so desperately needed. If you had a max of 4 terms for house of reps and 2 terms for senate (max 20 years without seeking higher office) 70% of the people in power wouldn’t be there.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


The literal World Health Organization issued an apology for the misinformation about the vaccine not three months ago. I listened to them, like mostly everyone else did. I’m not going to waste time arguing with someone like you, who for some reason has made up their own mind against what actually happened ROFL bye

Sure you did.

As a Libertarian, I could not have said it better myself. Cheers Dude!

I don’t believe in making fun of the president for silly things like that, but making a blatantly untrue statement that is later walked back by cabinet members (like many of his other statements).

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What are you implying?