Covid is NOT over

Yeah, totally. Just like that.

You think forum moderators should “cause hell” for the users here? I don’t think that is a good idea. There is a limit to how many flags people can use per day anyway.

It’s the nature of public discourse. I recommend Obsidian Scales.

And then we have Pfizzer saying to the EU that the vaccine wasn’t tested to prevent the spread or prevent illness :man_facepalming: among other eye opening testimonies.

Also the original statement of 90% effective was misleading and was actually more like ~50%, also most fatalities now are those who have the vaccine vs those without.

Pretty much the COVID shot is just going to be like the flu shot, highly ineffective and probably not worth getting unless you are high risk for complications (1 or more morbidities) or are a care taker of someone who is at high risk.

And the COVID shot has done far more damage than good. It’s increased vaccine hesitancy because it was marketed as 90%+ effective when in actuality it’s as effective as a flu shot. Compared to vaccines with actual 90%+ effectiveness like Measles, Polio, and other extremely deadly and/or life threatening diseases that is far worse then the bad cold COVID was.

All to pretty much feed into hysteria, reduce liberties, divide people against each other just so politicians can profit and stay in power and big pharma (who is paying those on the CDC and FDA to vote to approve measures such like making the COVID shot required to attend school) to massively profit off of govt spending.

Dividing a population to force them into hating each other and de-humanizing each other only serves to benefit the enemies of the people (in the US case China and Russia) and establish an authoritarian regime by those in power. Which will always have the end result of mass killings and imprisonment whether it be death camps to exterminate undesirables (those whom have been de-humanized) AND/OR the gulags’ of the USSR crushing any dissent once the authoritarian regime comes to power.

No good will come from a sharply divided populous and that direction needs to be reversed or we are all doomed to misery.


If you actually did that, you’d know that a lot of covid deaths are also underreported depending on who is running the state.

Was it Argentina?

Isn’t it eradicated there or was?

People in other countries like Japan would wear masks every year to prevent those illnesses.

The flu right now is worse than it’s been in over a decade.

Aren’t masks proven to be ineffective?


Human instincts are like the worst thing to trust ever. We’re loaded to the brim with bias’s that distort our judgement.


Almost like all of this was done on purpose.


I wanna know what really went down when a lot of the world was inside.

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The CIA was busy replacing the batteries in all the birds.


check 9 months after.

And the government flies! :rofl:


Of course, I am just talking about the reported #s. And obviously the unreported death rate from Covid would be similar to the accurately reported rate, since we have not been seeing people dropping dead in the streets from it.

I’m sure some stuff we will never know.

Queue Luis from Ant-man telling us what happened

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They weren’t, people were still going out and yelling at retail workers.

I’m talking something bigger than Covid. Special ops, covert stuff.

And we don’t need to shut everything down for it. I do believe that vaccinations work and everyone who can should get vaccinated and that helps more than shutting everything down and ruining the economy as evidenced by runaway inflation right now.