Covenants: we make our stand here and now

I’m still waiting for my choice to be a loyalist to matter, You gonna argue for Blizzard to actually make meaningful content that matters to the story or just pretend like the 4 different flavored skinner boxes are actual rpg content and not just tools for the dungeon crawler that this game actually is?

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Honestly you don’t have ot … Plenty of other games out there would love to have you …

Covenants remind me too much of Garrisons…fun at first but becomes too gimmicky

LOL its not even about that … And if you don’t get it … Then I dont have the strenght to explain it to you tonight…

I mean it is about that some … just not the big picture

Thrill seeker is awesome though

And the Bonesmith final trait would be cool if there was more going on than 50% damage

Okay there buddy, enjoy the garbage Blizzard feeds you, Their phrase of the day “Choices matter! But only if they don’t increase development costs and are completely negligible to the story and if people don’t like it are quickly remedied by deleting the system barriers.”

PS the only reason I still even play this hot garbage is because of the lore, The reason I came back for BFA? To make choice to side with Sylvanas, AN ACTUAL RP choice. Not this, “what flavor do you want your damage to come in,” garbage.


I dislike not being able to change mainly for alternate specs. If for example I choose Kyrian for Ele and it turns out to be absolutely abysmal for Resto it would suck, as I do semi-often switch to Resto if a healer is missing/for keys if we can’t find a healer/helping gear an alt.

That is my primary problem.

Secondary problem, if the covenant Class abilities are all very skewed in terms of power thats a problem of what I want to choose versus what I should choose (I do dungeons and Raids). If the Class abilities are within each other damage/healing wise for the most part I will get over the signature abilities.

Possible third issue from me. The soul bind tree is interesting, but looking at some of the effects and path it makes a lot of the soulbinds seem borderline useless. Took a peak at all of them, I think one of the Venthyr ones is set up best for picking damage conduits while still getting damage abilities… rest seem weaker in comparison or just downright terrible choice wise.

I wouldn’t say axe the whole thing, but maybe allow the FULL tree to be unlocked. The Horrific Visions buff console next to MOTHER is a good example. You can choose to take one side of options or the other but arent locked out of the other, its just going to take more resources to get all the sides.

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Hopefully the discount on Shadowlands will be 75% this time.

Don’t care to be honest

Here you go sir:


After thinking some more on the issue, I’m changing to for allowing covenant swapping. Truth is, if Blizzard really wants to promote different strategies/characters, all they need to do is balance the classes/specs/covenants. Separate the 144 combinations into tank/dps/healing and balance them in terms of their intended roles. Figure out why one combination does more damage than the others and buff/nerf accordingly. Don’t even bother at the layer of soulbinds/talents, just find the most optimal talents/soulbinds and balance around those selections.

Success in balancing these combinations means that people can choose their character identity without fear of being excluded from content or feeling the need to change specs just to keep up in their role. Failure just means that people can at least swap covenants to still perform well in content. I have a few class/covenant/spec choices in mind, but at the end of the day, if the balance isn’t there, there’s no point in playing them anyway. Balancing these 3 layers is probably the best way of achieving the goal of character diversity without angering anyone in the process.

So the MDI is a casual thing they throw on just for fun?

I’m going to have to be in the same camp as you on this one

i don’t care, blizzard will find a way to squeeze more play time from you regardless.

My grand plan is to go full elitist jerk

Checking talents, checking gear - if you don’t meet the standards don’t waste me time

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Against it. It annoys try-hards and makes them want to quit the game. I don’t think any of them actually will but their shrill cries amuse me.

I feel largely the same as your original post in the thread, Källí.

I’m deflated by the small things that are big things to me personally (fishing is the big gut punch), but overall, I’m gonna play no matter how it ships, and I’m okay with that. There are people I play with (the reason I play WoW to begin with) who will NOT play no matter how it ships. They will grow bored or frustrated and leave. And then I will leave.

So that’s where it stands, essentially.

Me, too, and I’m beyond irritated – if I’m brutally honest for a second – that they didn’t know better than this from the get-go. If they’re not already doing it, then they need to play the game with regular players for a while…because nobody who plays this game would’ve made that error. Nobody.

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I only do legacy content anyway, so it doesnt matter to me if they screw over Preach and his rump-buddies.


As someone that likes to play all aspects of the game and likes to min/max! I’ve never had to make alts just so i can play “my best” at raiding, pvp or M+. BFA was already a let down with the azrite armor that was just supposed to be “flavor” not the unblance gear grind it turned out to be. I cant see bliz doing covens right. if it goes live, im done. ESO is fun and so is FF14 plus amazon MMO might be good if it ever comes out

i mean for those people covenant choice should be easy. they don’t care for any aspect of the game but raiding, so pick what is best for raiding and be done with it