Whether you are for or against an easy or free change between covenants, explain why and how it impacts you.
Not against, I just want covenant abilities to be scrapped tbh because they’re not permanent or interesting.
Lots of hullabaloo about nothing. I just want people to have fun!
I just want a fun video game.
No stand needed. No polarizing necessary.
Here’s my take
Forewarning I am not talking about Soulbinds nor am I talking about conduits. I do not know enough about said system in order to fully divulge into a debate about them and how they should work.
Feel this is obvious as I won’t mention them again, but whatever.
Two abilities should NOT and are NOT comparable to an entire class and should not be excused as a “sub-class”
Each class has four options when it comes to Covenants, each covenant for said class grants two abilities. One signature that is not class specific and one that is.
My only problem with the Covenant system (Ignoring Soulbinds) is the Class specific abilities being locked along with your Covenant of choice at Level 60.
The only thing Blizzard would need to do, is make said abilities which there four of them per class. Not including the signature ability, be a new talent row that is as change-able as the rest of the talent tree for each spec.
The covenants themselves along with their cosmetic variants can all be a permanent thing that can’t be changed. I have no issue with that.
Locking abilities that can be nerfed or buffed behind a permanent choice is bad design and does not work for a MMO. If you don’t like that then go play a Singleplayer RPG because WoW is a MMO.
Overall, I just want the freedom of having the ability to change the abilities (excluding signature) in a rested area like Essences or something. While keeping the “meaningful choices” so many are going on about via having covenants being a permanent choice that’s mainly based on the players preference in cosmetics as it should’ve been from the get go.
I like the systems as they are. Ship it.
Except they aren’t permanent. They just aren’t easily and quickly changed.
If you’re against it then don’t do them Don’t raid or do M+ either, run around doing nothing in game with Ruggi all day
We can get drunk and do LFR and crack jokes in Discord.
For me, I will play SL regardless of how it ships. That’s just the truth and I am ok with that. With that being said, the quality of the systems WILL dictate how I decide to play the game.
I have paid attention to this development team for years, and I know what to expect and what not to. That saves me disappointment. There are many aspects for this game I love, so I can comfortably shift and adapt.
I think the real problem comes for the players that actually DON’T like WoW. There is an alarming number of players that for reasons beyond my understanding log in to clear a raid tier and log out till next patch, because everything else “sucks”. I imagine these people will be the most impacted by how SL systems are shipped.
I would love to not see Azerite 2.0, but so far all roads point in that direction. It is what it is.
I personally would love if the Covenant choices were only cosmetically and non-battle related. That would relieve all the pressure of “choice” vs “BiS”.
Hopefully I’ll get Beta invite soon, and I can test for myself instead of taking other people’s word on it. I think that is also very important.
I’m not for an easy change of covenants, I’m for an easy change of class abilities
I’m willing to accept other restrictions, but not what advances my class
also it’s not choices, ion can piss off with that argument, it’s less choices than you would’ve made otherwise
Start scrapping these bloated systems. I don’t see value in the soul bind system for example as everyone is interested in the conduits.
I’m neutral, whichever way this whole thing shakes out is fine by me.
Neutral, I don’t play the meta
Fine with permanent covenant selections as long as there are no abilities. If there are, screw em.
If we want the whole “meaningful choice” schtick, let’s work on fixing things like professions so that choice matters, have updated glyphs that allow us to separate ourselves from other players of our class, bringing back more class quests so your class matters more, and , you know, just fix our class design all around so we all feel like complete specs so we don’t NEED to depend on outside abilities.
There are plenty of choices we already make in game that have been cheapened over the years that could have new life put back into them and have them be more important to your role than some random borrowed power nonsense.
make them easily respeccable or no SL purchase from me
The soul bind talent tree is superfluous and pointless.
Axe it and streamline the conduit and legendary systems.
I don’t particularly care one way or the other as I’m unsubbed and have no current plans to buy SL, though if I were going to play SL I would pick a covenant based on which one fits the character the best. That said, I think Blizzard needs to make a decision about the direction they want to go.
Covenants as they are now are definitely more RPG leaning than what Blizzard has been doing in recent years. However, it’s a middle of the road choice that doesn’t really make anyone happy. Yes some people like the direction that it leads to, but that’s only because it’s moving away from what they don’t want. The people who want more RPG aspects want more than this and the people who want less don’t like the change.
Such a pure soul!
On paper I don’t like the idea of convenants having power tied behind them. They should be for the player to decide.
I am also very anti tryhard though and think their kind is the toxic cancer in this game with how their crap mindsets ends up trickling down and “infecting” the playerbase with asinine requirements and expectations when the reality is that the content will not hinge or require a specific convenant BUT because some tryhard says Covenant A is best, only convenant A is acceptable and everything else is “pure garbage”.
Blizzard is clearly trying to make choices matter and break the mindset the tryhard community has developed and kept that they should be able to hyper optimize and change anything they want on a whim. For the extreme majority of people, they SHOULD be able to play a “bad” spec and get an upgrade that doesn’t have perfect itemization and be excited still because it is still an upgrade. The game has devolved into such a state that to do better than average but not absolute top tier content, people still demand meta specs talented with meta talent choices and perfectly optimized gear. It restricts player agency and perpetuates that cancer mindset more than Blizzard locking power behind a covenant.
So all in all, I am perfectly fine with Blizzard making covenants having power and no easy way to leave and/or go back if it starts to break that tryhard mentality that they can and will be maximally optimized for everything all the time.
What people are going to see is, shocker, you can still clear dungeons and raids, even “hard stuff”, even if you DONT have the “best covenant”…hopefully eventually they’ll also get that you can actually take a shadow priest or warlock to a mythic+ and it is ok to be a sub rogue in a raid…or insert whatever weak class/spec is routinely denied in content because tryhards said so.
Nothing you said is new and not only is it not new you yourself admit you’re not even fully informed on the it.
I understand the OP was soliciting feedback but uhh… yeah. okay bub.
Oh I absolutely agree. I was thinking the other day - “Dude, I’m going to be playing a Vampire and my Vampire can’t get lifeleech”. Imagine if each Covenant had their own Mastery-like stat associated with them! Imagine if there were more abilities and more customization for each Covenant!
A true sub-class system could have gone so far. Really, the way I view it is that Covenants are a neccesary first step, an experiment in the way that Challenge Modes were an experimental step towards Mythic+. Challenge Modes were garbage but they eventually led us to Mythic+. Ideally Covenants won’t be garbage but I don’t expect them to come close to fulfilling their true potential because it’s pretty obvious they’re going to be an expansion-specific feature.
Since this is the 100th + thread about it I’ll just start copy and paste my statement…
Games progress and change over time … No one would play super RPG 15 if 15 was exactly like 1-14… WoW has a BRAN NEW system … ( nothing has been changed about it or taken away from you ) You can still play the way you always have with pressing a button and changing spec and talents Nothing has changed at all… But the new system being added to the game plays like this ( insert how covenants work )
So no one is taking anything away form you or anyone else that you have all ready had… I wish Blizz would give people the option to opt out of choosing a covenant. Then the new complaint will be wait wait no… Any covenant is better then no covenant…
It’s a new system. Like it or not it’s here … So get used to it or don’t and I wish you the very best on whatever game you decide to go play. I for one am very happy that Blizz is starting to mix Classic into Retail with numbers and making SOME ( not all ) choices matter …
I’m against having them easily changeable because it means Blizzard actually has to balance the 144 different class/spec/covenant combinations to make it work without doing this. I want to be able to progress in content regardless of the class/spec/covenant that I choose. I’m of the stance that min maxing talents/soulbinds is fine and makes sense. Basically, I want to play out the choices I want without being the weakest link in my group of friends for progressing through content.