Covenants: we make our stand here and now

People said everyone was screeching at legion weapons and azerite armour and would be fine on release

Both had to under take dramatic changes because they were horrible or way to punishing to the player base


See that is the problem I have .

I really like the look of the Venthyr mail armor and being a hunter good mail armor is hard to find but Iā€™m afraid I might like another covenants ability better and I want to be able to enjoy both the rp and game play aspects .

I know you understand where I am coming from .

Then that may be necessary if they dont make changes to improve that imbalance. Just as you choose a rogue for a certain style of play, then perhaps it will be necessary to choose a covenant to facilitate that style of play. Players can always choose other covenants for other classes.

Yeah as someone who dabbles in all aspects of the game and I really like playing around with different builds Iā€™m getting hit hard by the current system

I barely even get to make a RP choice at all because of the player power tied into it taking control of my choice making process

I used very different specs in outlaw for different things

My outlaw choice and my assassination choice for theme of covenant even change if Iā€™m going hard core RP mode

Thereā€™s absolutely no chance of that happening.

I went ahead and made extra hunters for the different content in case I canā€™t do it to my standards on this toon but to be honest I would rather use the other toons except this one and my main alliance hunter for getting the covenant sets for future transmogs.

Iā€™d be so down if I could 100% a covenant then move on to another so I donā€™t need to roll like

16 different toons

Which is what Iā€™m assuming this system is designed at


Donā€™t be so sure. There is a lot of time to adjust the systems and I think that they would prefer to even out the benefits of covenants rather than completely wiping their original intent of it being a significant choice. Am I sure they will manage it - no, they have frequently failed. However they have often got it right as well and the amount of developer input and response going out atm makes me think that they are working hard to get it right. They probably realise that for many people, Sā€™lands could be their make-or-break expansion.

Gotta find ways to keep their maus up and back door their preference of spec over class

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Two abilities plus all the stuff you apparently donā€™t want to discuss?

For me, Iā€™m not sure yet. I like being able to differentiate more within a class. I like choices that change my gameplay compared to others such that every x spec isnā€™t running the same build for the same content. And I donā€™t like hearing players that are overly focused on performance trying to say ā€œyou can only have player power granted from sources that make my gameplay better. If you want RPG elements they can only be cosmeticā€.

But on the other hand, just because theyā€™re arrogant doesnā€™t make them automatically wrong. A temporary sub-class tied to a single expansion feels a little weird, and I donā€™t have high hopes in their ability to balance and keep things interesting. I mean just look at shadow priests right now.

I want them to go live as is. Mainly so I can sit back and enjoy all the crying when people finally realize what is occurring.

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Actually, that is only true if you buy month to month. And they heavily incentivise buying in 6 month chunks with free mounts.

Iā€™m for easy changing the covenants. Just put a 24 hour cooldown on it or something. I donā€™t like being locked into a specific thing. There are a lot of options, so it would be easy to change your mind about it.

It isnā€™t azerite traits.

Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a positive or a negative, but at least something I can complain about at some point thatā€™s different.

I want complete and performance balanced classes/specs that allow you to enjoy the respective flavour and be competitve at all levels of play.

Not more systems that are heavily based on rng or transient borrowed power

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Noneā€¦ But choices mattered alot more ā€¦ You sure couldnā€™t respec with a press of a button in the middle of nowhere ā€¦ If you wanted to play dps you had to have a dps set of gear and same for healing and defense.

Did you really just ask about how choices matter in classic ?

Best part about the whole thing is 9 out of 10 people complaining have multiple toons. Some have multiples of the same class all ready ā€¦

If you have to make a back up plan because you know your video game system is going to fail itā€™s probably a bad, frustrating system and shouldnā€™t be added in the first place. They donā€™t even have any faith in their own design so why should I?

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They say that because of all you whiny lazy gamers ā€¦ Best part is it wont fail ā€¦ By my math more people here are for RPG and choices mattering then are against ā€¦

GL canā€™t wait to meet all your toons in the 4 different covenantsā€¦

#lazygamers #choicesmatter