Covenants are for based on individual taste, not race culture

I was recently thinking of playing a cute fat lazer chicken again and of course that would mean I had to decide on a covenant, and since neither treehuggers(Night fae) or brainwash cult(Kyrian) is my type, my only options are either Necrolord or Venthyr yet some people find this weird.

It seems people can be surprised if you dont blindly follow the culture your race or class were born into as if it is some crime to not be brainwashed by the culture of your birth.

Like is this the first time people hear of non conformist? As in people who might be born in a specific culture yet reject it for whatever reason therefore dont blindly follow the norms and tradition of that race or class.

As a druid not only would I focus on my own learning through my own experimentation later, I would also test and push being a cute fat lazer chicken for far longer periods of time even though that is frowned upon because some babies lost their minds. So just like the individual I am irl I will choose the covenant that fits me as a person rather than nationality, work or culture.

TL:DR Remember, you are an individual, not a brainwashed pawn of a society. You can choose a covenant that fits you rather than your class


Your individualism sounds a lot like Western Liberalism. Which is a common cultural perspective in the West (and elsewhere, as the West is very influential). We’re all shaped by the environment we’re in. I’ve never met a non-conformist who is completely culture free. They mostly follow sub-cultures that might be outside of the mainstream, but they still conform to the ideals and expectations of that culture. Like hippies or goths or whatever. You can tell a lot about their ideology just by looking at them.


Guy gets back from a 24 hr ban and instantly starts spamming again. Smh mods do something!!!

Friendly reminder Ralph is a toxic elitist

Who was gonna quit if Shadowlands had more borrowed power systems that stopped him from enjoying any content

Now, just a couple of months later, he’s all about flaming people that don’t invite anyone to groups because that makes them elitist (even tho he did the same) and champions a borrowed power system that restricts specs from enjoying “any content” (even though that system was going to cause him to quit)

Guys a troll. Move along!



posting in a ralph thread

will he ever stop ridiculing himself

who knows, this be a mysterious world we live in



Did OP kill someone’s mom or something? The hostility is hilarious.

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Mom upside down is Wow.

And yes, he is trying to kill WoW


I haven’t had enough medicinal herbs today to even follow this one.

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Why would this post get reported? Everyone should be able to raise and discuss game related issues?

Sounds like you have a personal vendetta.


I’ve had totally normal posts removed being flagged as real life threats. It’s the wild west out here.


I used to live in an apartment that was a right triangle; how’s that for non conformity?

Yeah, all you sheep living in your squares and rectangles.

Get on my level.

Why is everyone so mad about the OP? He is just pointing out that most druids will go night fae, because it just seems like that’s what druids should do.

As a boomkin, I know exactly what he’s talking about. When I saw the list, I was immediately annoyed by fae, and even more annoyed by the fact that I felt obligated to join them. So I have my own internal struggle between going with the covenant that feels like the “logical match,” going with the one that Icy-Veins tells me will give me top DPS, or just going with the one that I find the coolest.
Well I’m going with whatever Icy-Veins tells me because:

  1. It’s my main, and I plan on raiding.
  2. I have lots of alts, and I plan on experiencing all of the covenants that way.
  3. I feel like night fae will be overcrowded with druids.
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It’s nice to have Covenants based on an individual’s taste but since so many things in WoW are based on racial culture, it’s odd there isn’t more of that. I’ve yet to find a place where I’d send most of my dwarven characters. I’m going Night Fae with Thorland because I gave him such a strong background in loving nature.

I would argue that there is a stronger connection between covenants and class, rather than covenants and race. Since the OP talked about boomkin, I believe that’s what he meant. But I could be wrong.

Wow. Thank you, Ralph. With your blessing I can now pick the covenant I want to play and not be shackled down by whatever covenant my favourite youtuber tells me to play. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I’M FREEEEEE!

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I agree with you on there being a stronger connection between covenants and class. That could very well be what Blizz was going for, and what Ralph was conveying. Not entirely sure. I think what I was meaning to say was it’s nice you can pick one based on your individual taste. With class halls you were locked into your class identity, which wasn’t a bad thing. I loved the class halls. Curious if you, and others, think there should have been more than just the 4. It feels like not enough for a realm where so many of the dead go.

/hands Udoeak :socks:

Now you’re really free. :smiley:

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Oh, hell yeah, dude. Dwarven made socks are the best.

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Our preferred footwear is often heavy steel shod boots. Have to have good socks my friend. :smiley:

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Excuse me but I’m a Paladin.

Being fanatical about the Light to the point of not seeing anything else is kind of our thing.

I always thought Covenants were based more off Virtues than anything else.

Kyrians are honor and strength.
Fae are wisdom and spirit.
Venthyr are redemption and penitence.
Necrolords are knowledge and pragmatism.