Covenant Switching Not Happening, Sorry

Thanks, your text was really informative for me ^^

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Good, let Venthyr be the PvP and mythic+/speedrunning covenant as intended.

OP here –

I think some people are misunderstanding my usage of “switch covenants”, either on accident or are willfully trying to strawman what I wrote.

I’m aware that you can abandon a covenant once and go to something else; that actually isn’t very interesting. My goal was to make it clear that choosing a covenant and gaining rewards from it is a long-term unlock with Renown and a long story campaign, so if you really wish you were using different abilities and soul binds for different activities or with different specs, that isn’t really viable. You will either perpetually be at the beginning of the campaign with no renown, or you will be leaning heavily into something that might be suboptimal for half of the activities you do or the specs you like to play.

Also every time somebody tries to say things dismissive like:

  • It’s just alpha
  • It’s just beta
  • The first raid hasn’t even hit yet
  • etc

… my eyes roll out of my head. The last three expansions have had serious issues at launch, and players have correctly identified them months in advance. It is a pretty bad trend.

Also, I’m not whining / complaining in my original post, I’m trying to provide actual information from the beta. I think some people that try to dismiss these concerns make a lot of assumptions about how these powers are hooked up to soulbinds and the themeing of the covenants, and have this weird expectation that they will just put things in a talent row as soon as they realize the mistake they’ve made. I’m trying to make it clear that this isn’t really possible.

I would say for anybody that finds themselves wanting to type “I’m tired of these feedback threads” or “It’s just (alpha|beta|prepatch)”, just skip the thread. You’re not helping anybody.


So essentially, pick something and commit to it because you’re going to fall woefully behind if you bother to swap. Jesus christ lol

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They already have a fallback plan ready to go to open everything up.

The question is not if they can do it or not, we already know they can.

The question is when will they quit being stubborn and give the players what they want.


I am know going through months of Grief. I just didnt pre order this time :).

I think its time to walk away.

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Covenant abilities should be locked, and they should make you lose all progress when you switch, every time you switch, even if you switch back to one you’ve been with before. Why? Because think about it for a moment. You’re coming to these people’s home, swearing yourself to their cause, binding your soul to theirs for power, and then you just spit in their face, chuck it in the trash, and go over to the other side because they are better for one spec in Mythic+? Frankly, with that kind of insult you’re lucky that they’d consider taking you back at all, instead of just sending people to kill you on sight.

Hate to say it but I do agree with what the OP said, and you too Acherus. Very well put.

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Anyone thinking it would change in the first patch wasn’t being realistic tbh.

TY,you just confirmed what i deep down knew BFA 2.0


My worry is what happens when people’s favored Covenant is nerfed.

You know people are going to shriek like a pack of enraged Nazgul in Bree.

Maybe even worse… :stuck_out_tongue:


We’ll get our popcorn and giggle I’d imagine. I’ve been doing so at min/max rerollers for years lol.

There will be tears, there are always tears.


The simple fact is that the only ‘punished’ by this aspect of actually having RPG elements in an mmoRPG are the top 1% who try to eke out every possible advantage, the wannabes who think they are the top 1%, and people who simply can’t be bothered to make a choice and stick to it. Frankly, catering to any of those three groups has never been a winning move anywhere except for maybe the Dark Souls games.

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It’s worth saying the sound will NOT be this.

It won’t be that. That’s far too hardcore for an enraged min/maxxer. That’s straight up metal.

This variant will suffice. >: )


What “Other Side” These are allied Factions… They are all friends, Cogs in the wheel of the work that needs done for the SLs. They are not warring factions.

You haven’t been paying attention to the lore that’s been coming out, have you? They might be cogs in the machine of death, but that doesn’t mean they’re friends. It is more like how the Horde and Alliance team up every time there’s something that threatens the planet, but most of the time they are content to stay in their lane and hate each other.

And that doesn’t mean that you aren’t insulting them when, after you’ve given your oath and bound your soul, you skip out and do the same to another group. That’s not something people just say, “Oh, well, that’s OK, I guess.”

Honestly I truly dont care about the lore.

I care about doing Content. I am here to PVP, nothing else. With the stupid systems, I have to PVE to PVP, so Fine I do that.

Now I have to pick a PVP covenant to do PVP, however that same Covenant will have me barred for the PVE I have to do to gear for PVP.

Thats not good game design, so I guess its time to find a new game. Its that easy. I wont be alone, and being how its the lowest its ever been in terms of subs, this will likely be that final nail in the coffin.

It was a good run, but it looks like its time has come.

WOW has survived the last half of its life, by a Cycle of Bad ideas/Bad Expac, Good Expac. This will have Shadowlands being BFA 2.0 and seeing how BFA seen more player loss than WOD, its not looking good.

Blizzards def team have reach the definition of insanity.

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Bye, Felicia. Fewer min-maxers the better.

You realize that a VERY large margin of this game is Min / Maxxers right? A much larger than yours. The majority of players, do actually care about being better, and wanting to progress and get better, stronger, ect. Even the casuals who like the time.

The fact that Weak Auras websites, Wowhead Guides, Youtube Skill Guides, Raidbots, are multi million dollar industry’s with Millions of Views to their guides and videos, show the grim reality. You think your a majority, your actually not.

This is Why games like GW2 and FF14 are DEAD. Because they dont have that aspect. Wows very backbone was built on it.

Also NO part of being excluded from content do to a choice, has aything to do with min maxxing. NO ONE that does any ACTUAL content unless they have a narrow focus, is going to put up with this system. You can say you will till your blue in the face. When the chips fall and RIO show your Covenant and you picked the worthless one, and get invited to nothing you will change your tune.

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I think Blizzard is now Story First. Not game play, not quality. Story first, and build the shark ramp as tall as you can because there’s going to be some flying fish.

I kind of figured nothing would change when they were promoting the covenants on the box art and merch. Yup, for good or bad they locked themselves into this months and months ago. They just aren’t the nimble, game play first, released when it’s ready type of company anymore.