WoW’s population doubled because of Classic, bringing it to 7-10 million worldwide, depending on sources. Final Fantasy 14’s population is about 20 million, according to several sources.
So, if FF14 is dead, what does that make WoW?
WoW’s population doubled because of Classic, bringing it to 7-10 million worldwide, depending on sources. Final Fantasy 14’s population is about 20 million, according to several sources.
So, if FF14 is dead, what does that make WoW?
Most people don’t want to switch covenant. They either want the abilities as talents, or have no player power tied to covenants.
It’s not about being optimal for everyone.
There are plenty of casuals that just like to play around with the different systems and would enjoy the game without being punished for doing so.
Personally, I really don’t want there to be Covenant switching. I just want Blizzard to find a way to solve the (major, entirely predictable) balance problems that are coming with regards to the Covenants.
Welp another dead expac. It’s rare they make two in a row but oh well.
Haven’t seen two bad ones in a row yet
I think this will be a very good expac, personally. I really like the world, the factions, and even the story seems alright (I give Blizzard a low bar for major plots). Torghast looks cool, too.
Fair, allow me to explain what I mean by dead then.
There will be a large surge of players that will be hyped for new content (like every expac ever) but once they realize they get to play with 1/4th the end game content and it’s going to be another boring grind fest. Will just quietly leave like they did in BFA. Raid teams and guilds will disband again at rapid rates. Finding stable groups for M+ and raids will become harder and harder as time goes on.
Maintaining a raid roster in Legion was easy. BFA was pure cancer. People would come back for a .x patch, realize they had not fixed problems then leave again three weeks into patch. Now here we are again. Same song different verse and it will repeat. Sorry to be a downer but this Dev team refuses to learn from their mistakes.
I think subclasses is one of the most ambitious things blizzard has gone for in a while. I’m extremely excited by it.
I don’t understand, at all, the angst around swapping. No one wants to be able to swap from hunter to rogue, for example, or if they do want it, they don’t flood the forums with 50+ threads every day like the 12 people on here do.
All of this is a totally valid prediction. I predict it won’t go this way, and I’ll come back and make a post on the forums about how I’m the dumbest panda ever before I quit if I’m wrong. Will you do the same?
Go back to classic, retail is too complex for your chimp brain
First off, nobody is making 50+ threads per day about it. Don’t be obnoxious.
Second, the thing you’re apparently missing is that Covenants are going to add a further layer of restrictions on what content you are and aren’t good in. People weren’t asking for that. They like being able to take one character and move between different types of content or different kinds of combat encounters, and they like being able to adjust their setup to be as good as they can in those different situations.
And before you start repeating Ion’s words about “Overwatch” or some other nonsense - the game isn’t Overwatch today. We don’t need to add even more layers and systems to make it not be something that it isn’t.
What will happen if you don’t pick a covenant at all? Other than not getting those transmog, abilities, soulbinds or whatever, will you still be able to progress your character?
I imagne it’d be difficult since it seems most of the grindy stuff to do it is covenant related. (Just going off what I’ve read, I’m not testing)
It’s not configuration.
It’s not configuration.
How can you guys simultaneously believe that two of the same class with different covenants will be too similar to be called sub classes and yet so different in performance that one will be shunned?
Covenant choice is meant to be part of your characters identity, almost as immutable as its class. It’s not meant to be part of the activity-to-activity load out like talents and gear.
Which would have been just as achievable without any power tied to them.
I’m not talking about RP. Weather you have mortal strike or sinister strike is an important class distinction. Covenants are the same way.
I’ve accepted the fact that I’m not playing SL a while ago. Blizavision has let me down so many times I didn’t even feel the grief bit.
Pretty sure Blizzard said if they fail at balancing covenants like they fail at balancing everything they have a back up plan to allow easy switching.