Covenant Switching Not Happening, Sorry

Alright friends, I’ve played the Beta. This post is not to start a war on whether or not covenant powers should be locked to covenants, simply a reality check for those hoping for changes:

I don’t think they’re coming. You might want to fast forward to “acceptance” and save yourself months of grief.

Here’s my observations:

  • The covenant system is filling the exact “War Campaign” mechanism in the quest log, and begins when you pick one. It looks like it has 8(?) sub-achievement steps similar to the early BfA campaign, and it looks very covenant specific. This is not unlike playing the War Campaign as Alliance or Horde; it is entirely different for each covenant.

  • The core spell granted to you (DoS, Fleshcraft, etc) are tightly woven into the Soulbind system. Layers of abilities that tweak them, spread across the three characters you can soulbind, aligned with various typed conduit slots. This is definitely not changing heavily between now and launch.

  • Covenant choice appears to dictate (effectively) your “garrison” for this expansion. It is where your garrison table is, where you’ll get quests to get more covenant-themed guys to send on missions, the quartermaster, in addition to the heart of the campaign itself. You’re likely to spend a lot of time wherever you pick.

  • Renown appears to be exactly covenant-specific rep and is tied to various plot points, campaign points, etc. There’s no way they’re going to let you “share” / unify / transfer this.

Based on these observations, we’re getting this on launch, period. It’s happening. They’re not going to give us an additional set of covenant abilities so each one has a movement and a utility spell, as they’d have to completely rework the soulbinds (to which there are many). Other than perhaps changing the cast time or CD of some of these, their design is pretty much locked in place.

Opinion time:

I don’t love it. Seeing these abilities and soulbinds myself for the first time today spiraled me right back into analysis-paralysis on which classes I was going to actually play in SL, and who I’d want to pick.

In a weird way, some of them aren’t even about the abilities themselves but the side effects of the tweaks from the conduits. For example, Soulshape is a pretty lackluster “sprint” and an even worse “blink”, but the first choice you can make with a soulbind has you enter stealth when Soulshape ends. This behaves pretty much identically to Shadowmeld, which gives any Night Fae players a vanish (!) and stationary stealth. It was quite the roller coaster to go from “wow, this ability is awful” to “oh, this might be the reason I pick this.” I happen to like Ardenweald, so that helps a lot too.

TL;DR: This stuff is locked in, y’all. For your own sanity, you might just want to pick the covenant whose home you can tolerate standing in for 2 years. Picking based on these abilities is just going to burn you out really fast. If this post makes you sad because it shattered your last hopes of getting these decoupled from covenants, it might be time to take a break from the game. Sorry.

Edit: To argue with myself, I could see getting them to “suspend” your progress on a given covenant instead of “losing” it, so people without alts could see all four campaigns. They’d probably tie this to some super-hefty cooldown, so either way, you’re going to be stuck with one of these across all of your specs for any given week/month.


I knew it already…

don’t worry folks 9.2 will fix it…

ok maybe 9.3 for sure!



So Blizzard has finally decided to stop parenting the raiding/mythic + ( I guess now) community?


I think they already said they have a background code ready incase this fails didn’t they?


Short of them letting you just do all four campaigns simultaneously (including the four garrison tables?), I don’t see how they could pivot away from this implementation. As someone that has purchased a few faction transfers this expansion, it feels like switching covenants would be as severe as that. You’re effectively throwing away your endgame PvE story progression.


It sounded like the code they have as a back up is a severe rework that makes things a little funky hence why it’s a last resort.

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I’m fine with it from what I’ve seen through videos and read from beta players. I’ve accepted it and I think I’ll enjoy it.

I’m looking forward to the new adventures with friends, the story and mainly PvP without corruption. Gonna miss all my expedient stacks but I won’t miss dying to tentacles, TD, IS or a rogue melting me with gushing wounds lol.

Thanks for the post OP and good luck out there!


Maybe I’ll hide next to you with my fancy Soulshape stealth while guarding a BG flag with you next expansion. You can have all of the heals.

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Looking forward to it! :smile:

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I have a feeling this stuff will be like some garrison/class hall abilities or whatever and only work in open world.

The potential for abuse in PvP makes my head asplode, but then again WoW PvP is already dead horse at this point.


Maybe they will sell covenant reset scrolls for $25.


Oof, I admit, that’d fix it. If the two granted abilities only worked in the overworld, It would effectively neuter a large selling point of the class systems for this expansion, but it would get rid of the concern about balance. It seems like a bridge too far to me.

A back up plan i believe Ion said :laughing:

I know they will stick to their horses here. Feedback is only relevant to them if they agree with it. When the issues arrive and They inevitably fail to balance the game it will be too late. They would have already taken our money and refused to refund anything and potentially hurt this community faith towards them by hitting the critical mass of unsubs needed to force a change at the highest levels and it may be too late by then to bring people back. Such is the blizzard way.


They’d just remove the punishment of leaving a covenant. Making swapping easier.

But I’d have preferred the class abilities be a talent row. With a sub menu for soulbinds and conduits. Keep the other stuff about covenants true.

Aka how you are supposed to play, you arent meant to be optimal at everyhting


I mean, blizzard pretty much flat out admitted they bungled up the azerite reforging situation with the ever increasing cost and they underestimated that for some players, no cost is too high.

I think they know this now (I mean, how dumb are they for not realizing it earlier) and will make changing covenants SO PAINFUL that not even the most adept at enduring blizzards gates can overcome.

You can switch. You’ll have a harder time switching back.

I’ve heard from the beta it’s essentially a choose-your-own-Order-Hall type thing. So much of what you have to do is baked into it that switching is extremely inconvenient.

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That’s cool, they already said they would change it if they thought that was best :man_shrugging: