Covenant Legendary Tuning

Actually that’s helpful. IF that is the case and it’s even in the ballpark I’m going back to Venthyr. I’ll give it until next week before making a decision.

Can someone help me here.
Celestial Spirits: “The cooldown and duration of Convoke the Spirits is reduced by 50%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.”

Convoke the Spirits: “Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.”

Where does it say 1/2 the spells now? Is this something I’m missing everywhere?

Does increasing Recklessness by a full GCD every single GCD so that as long as I can keep hitting Condemn I can benefit from Recklessness until I either push the boss out of 80% or it falls over?

Yes, that does still feel like a legendary. And isn’t nearly as strong as getting 2 GCDs for 1.

I was hoping that we would be given a second legendary slot. If it has to be for covenant only then fine, but I’m really not interested in changing mine out.

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My sims of that legendary had it worse than Surging Shots in every respect. Single target, dungeon slice, 5 target patchwork. Every single one had Surging Shots ahead.

I think maybe it will still have uses cause of the higher burst. But it seems really underwhelming.

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Can you make the bonus activate when the ability is dispelled in pvp?

Spriest have the worst pvp legendaries in the game, they’re not practical in pvp. All designed with pve in mind.

Yeah, it’s bad. I main BM, though mess around with MM on occasion. I think it has some potential for certain team comps in 3v3s. But I don’t see where else you’d really want it.

Covenant legendaries suck, The story has 1 covenant campaign now we all do - Why can’t we swap covenant powers freely? Did the gameplay guys miss the memo about pulling the ripcord because the story guys definitely did.


Now can you fix the class with ALL 3 specs on the bottom? Seriously if you want me to heal instead on my hunter give me heals, but i need to be good at SOMETHING.

They’ve already admitted that was a lie, there is no rip cord. Get used to it because the system’s not changing.

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They’ve already temporarily reduced the penalty for swapping because of significant changes to covenants so that’s also a lie. If they have the technology to temporarily forgive the player on a ONCE OFF TRANSACTION then they clearly do have the power. Don’t ingest the juice the big man is giving you, players deserve better.


That’s not a ripcord though. That’s simply letting you bypass a quest. You still have to refarm all the anima and reknown you’ve already farmed. It changes nothing except 1 quest.

Yes now imagine.

Imagine if you could bypass a quest everytime you wanted to swap. Whoa

I’m 40 renown on every covenant except my main who is 45 on Necrolord. I should be able to swap freely.


Again… the quest isn’t the problem. Refarming reknown and anima is the problem. And again, that will never happen.

Great idea introducing even more balancing nightmares to the game. Enjoy the constant tweaking of these … oh, who am I kidding, this will probably be the last we see of any attempt at balancing this stuff, just like the completely absent class balancing.

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Do we get another free Covenant swap?


Oh great just switched covenants last night to prep for the new legendary, just to get screwed by blizzard days before its supposed to come out. How are you going to release an update without already having it nerfed if it is supposedly too strong? Finally didn’t have to use bladestorm anymore and would actually be on the f wording dps meters compared to shadowpriest boomys dks and almost every other class. Even with the legendary in its previous state I doubt it was going to push us past f wording shadowpriest and how ungodly powerful they are currently. But nope dog s word basically the entire overextended xpac just to get another legendary that almost made fury respectable on a few of the fights. they even decided not to give Sylvanas a f wording execute phase. If there isn’t another free covenant reset at the very least I probably will quit this game.


What if itʻs not about making that legendary a better choice, but about making the other legendaries a better choice?

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Oh right, so the Venthyr Legendary gets nerfed and the Kyrian one doesn’t? A flat +25% critical strike damage increase, which happens to synergize extremely well with their Recklessness?


Why is warrior designed around execute sucks so much for like 80% of the fight when almost every single spec in this game have a “execute” and they perfom well for all the fight progression

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Except this legendary reduced the number of spells cast during convoke by half. So to summarize: cooldown, channel duration, and spells cast were reduced by 50% when using this legendary.

My question still stands. Is it now half cooldown, half spells cast, and 75% channel duration?