Covenant Legendary Tuning

We won’t really know until a version gets tested (as of a few hours ago it’s not on the ptr yet), BUT our best guess at the moment is that it’s now casting 75% of the spells - e.g., if convoke ordinarily casts 12, it would cast 9 with the leggo - on a 1 minute cooldown.

The cope is real.

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Would love to the see the warrior legendary sinful surge changed, think the nerf is a bit much, fury mainly doesn’t have any other viable choices. Arms has only a handful that are good, also wish it did something else for prot that made Venthyr prot decent. Extending last stand is next to useless, compared to getting shield block when you charge with reprisal and what not, Love venthyr as a covenant don’t really wanna have to go night fae again

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Couldn’t have said it better myself, this nerf is mind-boggling, we haven’t even had a freaking chance to use it. Blizzard seriously needs to revert this nerf or idk buff fury in single target.


you are aware bosses are not training dummies right? That even the most minor miss on keeping condemn on CD will result in Reck dropping off now. You do realize this right.

ty m8

just adding random text cause it needs to be 10 characters apparently to reply

Following further review and testing, we’ve decided to strike two of these changes:


  • Kyrian - Spheres’ Harmony: Cooldown reduction increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds) and cap increased to 80 seconds (was 60 seconds).


  • Venthyr - Sinful Surge: Condemn now extends the duration of Recklessness by 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).

How about instead of making this legendary ludicrously strong for Discipline, you buffed the spell it is affecting for the Shadow and Holy.

It’s pretty telling how woefully undertuned Boon of the Ascended is as a 3min cooldown, if a legendary which reduces its cooldown by practically half barely makes it a viable choice for a spec.

Or simply add another effect to this legendary so its entire power budget is not dependent on if the cooldown reduction it provides grants an extra use or not. That’s not good legendary design.

If the devs want to know how to make this game good again all they have to do is fix the things you defend on the forums.

Lettttsss GOOOOOOO


If you switched during heroic week, this is your problem. Everyone should know Blizz does a ton of changes before and during heroic week.

Can the rage requirement for Glory duration extension (Conqueror’s Banner) for all 3 Warrior specs be 10 rage? As is, the increased duration is abysmal. Buffing an extra player is great but since you’re reverting a nerf, buff other covenant legendaries so there are actual competitive options.

buff Mage Necro Lego it’s actually fun and almost good plss

I think it’s going to slap tbh I’ll be picking it up when I can

But what does the convoke leggo change mean still? More Spells, same spells? Use your words blizz, ty.

Why was the Obedience legendary nerfed when it wasn’t even as big an outlier compared to the Fury warrior or balanced druid venthyr legendaries?

Lame. Super super lame. Stop nerfing disc under the guise of balance when hpal and rshaman are still so strong and haven’t been touched.


You think they want people playing Sub rogue?

Sub has been treated poorly for time immemorial. It’s like survival or arcane; you’re just not meant to play those.

Good point…can’t have players having options

Warriors cry about .5 seconds when they’re already good and get it changed instantly. Hunter’s use actual data and metrics with hard evidence that they have needed help for a while and devs twiddle their thumbs.

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